Mar 13, 2008 03:53
Well... yet again I find my jaw fixed in a position at the limit of its travel, again agape at something else I've just seen or read or whatever...(as usual, I'll leave it up to you to guess what it is, and I'm not telling)
Yet again, I also marvel how I'm living vicariously through the internet... and even more importantly, how real life can be so surreal and also how the things you don't even imagine, beyone what you might want, can happen without any effort on your part.
Soooo if you see me with my jaw forcibly hanging open, and my eyes bulging out like Jim Carrey in "The Mask", don't worry; I am just appreciating the surreality of life and it will go away in a little while, maybe an hour. This is the sort of experience that provides good fodder for my musical compositions.
I just hope that decades from now, I haven't seen so much that I just reach the point where nothing really surprises, ruffles, or makes any sort of dent in me at all... that would be bad. To become complacent in old age can mean an early demise (or at least early-onset boredom)... it is important to constantly appreciate what we have with new, fresh looks at the same old stuff. One doesn't need new stuff to find wonderment, just a new perspective.
In fact, I can do no better than to quote Frank Himpsl:
"Isn't it great that there are still things about the antique musical world that we haven't yet come across? I hope it will always be that way."
Of course, I would easily apply that to the whole world in general... what one person finds boring, someone else finds exciting... it's all a matter of perspective! And the word "things" can be easily used as a mock-up in the sentence for "people", the relationship between people, the relationship between people and nature, between people and objects, etc. (here "relationship" refers simply to the way two things relate to each other and interact... not necessarily something to do with romantic interpersonal and intimate relationships.)
P.S. Coming, in 2008...
Yew hurd it hear furst!!!