Mar 07, 2007 23:09
It’s been a while, where should I start?
Changing school was the best idea I have ever had. I enjoy school now, and I have heaps more friends. The atmosphere at my old school was, well shit. At this school everyone is nice and happy. I’ve figured out because it’s a co-ed school. At an all guys school you can see the testosterone and hormones, if you’re not careful they’ll mug you too.
But anyway new school = happy Saxxy.
Ok, let’s start from the start.
The bus ride was nothing special, just three hours of messaging Jess, watching Pokemon and listening to music. Some neat little towns though and a pub called the “Bunyip Inn”
When we finally got there we had to pick cabins/who we where in them with. I was in one with Lucien, Hickey and Dean. After we got some introductory speech and where sorted into activity groups, Once again I was with Lucien but also Kate, Caitlin, Amanda, Terrence, Ross, and Belle. Everyone else doesn’t really have a part in my story.
Our first activity was the giant flying fox & that scared the shit out of me until I was in the air, then it was awesome. At free time we [Me, Lucien and Ross] played soccer. Ross was killing us until I accidentally knocked out his kneecap-he was down for the rest of the afternoon. Not that anything major happened that afternoon mind you, only “Study” Chocolate milk, pictionary and twister with Kate and Co, and techno coming from everyone’s room’s until the wee hours of the morning.
The next day was the giant swing, again really fun. 2 things I noticed where 2 huge ass eagles flying over head, and the huge ass amount of couples popping up everywhere.
Let’s take Terrance for one example. At first it looked like he was into Kate, then Caitlin, then Amanda. He’s still into Amanda. Nothing really happened this day, only more Twister, that people where making sexual [I’ve never had a guy on top of me before..:p]
And pissing dean off at 3 am. On Friday, our last day, we kayaked which is ultra relaxing for me, and me and the instructor dude bonded and did nature things [we found lizards and I sat and talked to them for like an hour] He made us all sit there and close our eyes in complete silence so we could count how many birds we could hear. He was fucking cool. Then we came home, if you want to see how that was, read the first sentence.
My mum LOVES Jess. When we go out all I can hear is “Jess, Jess, and Jess”.
She’s making us a picnic basket for our 6 monther. She fucking rocks right now.
GRINDERMAN!!! Is fucking awesome, but then again so is everything Cave does, I should know now that my Cave collection has tripled over the last few days [Including the movie ‘Ghosts...Of The Civil Dead’ he’s in] I’ve watched sooo much anime lately, and played sooo much Pokemon that it’s actually starting to bore me, I really hope it passes soon. Speaking of anime, I got a new shirt with GUNDAM Mech Assault units [Giant Robots] on it, it’s freaking sweet and A new toothbrush that I named Evangelion Unit-00 after another giant robot, because it’s blue and white. Man I’m a nerd..
That’s basically everything major that’s happened in my life so far.