If you haven't seen Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, reading the following post might ruin the movie for you. Or it might not.
Yoda - "Young Jedi, Master ready you are not"
Anakin - "Come on dude, that sucks. And why do you talk all backwards and sheit?"
Anakin - "The Jedi's are screwing with me, make me an offer"
Palpatine - "I can get you a wicked uniform, maybe even a cape"
Anakin - " Cool, chicks dig the uniform"
Palpatine - "Initiate Code 66. I repeat, 66, not 69 like last time. What a sight that was"
Trooper - "Damn, ...ok, 66 it is. I never get to impress the chicks with my trap door uniform"
Trooper - "What code was it again, I'm so bad with numbers. Wish they gave it a cool name, like Project Kill all the Jedi"
Yoda - " Young Trooper, any closer and one of two things you will get, hurt both will be"
Yoda - " Light Saber that is indeed, but which green wand will you get?"
Trooper - " Arrrghhh.........ahhhhhhhh.......mmmmmmm that's good. Very good"
Yoda - "Escaped I have done, die you will now"
Palpatine - "Damn, where is that translator? What is he saying? "
Palpatine - "My forces are too much for you. Let's see how your 900 year old bones handle flying"
Yoda - "New hip just replaced, happy the Jedi benefit department won't be"
Anakin - "Will I be able to breathe in this thing? And how do I go to the bathroom? Oh, that's what that tube is for."
Palpatine - "The Dark Side has the coolest stuff"
Palpatine - "There's the Death Star. It's huge, but I hope they made the doorways large, cause damn that's a big helmet you got"
Darth Vader - "Do I have the right shoes on, cause I can't see my feet anymore. Sheit, am I even wearing pants? HHHHHHH....hhhhhhhhh Is there an echo in here?"
The End (actually not really, it's more like the middle, since the first movie really follows next. If you're confused, you must be a Star Trek fan.)