Fic: [OUaT] shadows crossing (Belle/Rumpelstiltskin).

Apr 05, 2012 18:25

shadows crossing, Once Upon a Time (Belle/Rumpelstiltskin), pg-13, ~6,000 words.

Companion/prequel fic to we rise as we fall, wherein Mr. Gold and Belle spend a lot of time in Storybrooke doing a bad job of avoiding each other, try not to invoke a dreadfully unhappy ending on themselves, get into trouble, and generally refuse to resolve any of their problems in the most mutually irritating way possible.

“I thought they refused to talk to each other,” says James.

“Please,” says Emma, “they were always very distinctly not talking to each other. They’d go out of their way to end up in the same place and not talk to each other.”

characters: rumpelstiltskin/mr gold, characters: belle, rumbelle, fic, tv: once upon a time

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