So I watched "The Unquiet Dead" last night...
...and you remember the plot, how the Gelth were trying to break through the Rift in Cardiff and use corpses to become corporeal before. They explained that during the Time War they had lost their physical forms and that they were trapped. They had to use someone they had been talking to since her early years as a bridge to come through the Rift- Gwynneth, the maid.
That REALLY isn't too different from some of the plot in EoT, is it? The Time Lords, apparently, were going for being beyond dimensional, corporeal beings; the Doctor trapped them all inside some sort of temporal field, erasing them from history and the universe. They were struggling to come through a little crack, and managed it through the brain of someone very sensitive to their calls- the Master.
I wonder if there is any way possible that the Gelth were Time Lords? That would add even more dimensions to Nine's perspective during that episode- first he's trying to make sure they really don't mean any harm, he wants to help them, he's giving them a chance. But then they show their true natures, as the Time Lords eventually did, and he knows it's time to blow that shit sky high. After first taking Rose to the end of her world to show her how he, too, has watched his world end, he then shows her how very far the Time War reaches, and what a personal cost it has.