Ugh, don't you hate it when fic possibilities are bumping all around in your head, and all the stuff you've started and haven't finished, and its just not getting anywhere? And in the meantime iTunes completely shuts down and demands a reinstall but when you try your anti-virus demands its a trojan?
Yeah, me too.
I'm starting yet AGAIN on this Barty Crouch Jr/Bellatrix Lestrange fic that I've attempted to write no less than four times over the past year and a half. This is all the fault of that song "
Barricade" by Stars (
lyrics here) because it is so crazily destructively them, sorting through the pieces of their former and current lives in London.
That Gene/Donna fic? Yes, I haven't worked on that any more since I last posted about it. They're stuck on the roof staring at me forlornly. I think they've run out of whiskey to fight off the chilly Manchester winds.
The Doctor Who set pictures make me desperately want to write Eleven and Amy Pond fic. I haven't even ATTEMPTED that one yet. Does anyone know if there are any caves to be found in Scotland, by any chance?
ETA: well to be honest the entirety of Stars' In Our Bedroom After the War could probably be a great Barty/Bellatrix post-Deathly Hallows AU epic. If one was into that sort of thing. OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE, WHAT HAVE I BREATHED INTO EXISTENCE.