So to people in other solar systems and galaxies, our sun is just another star. I wonder what constellations it's part of? I wonder what stories are told about it? I want to hear them. Maybe I should write Doctor Who fic about it. I think it's something Donna would be curious about.
In honor of Lady Ada Lovelace day, Posit Design blog lists some of the greatest girl geeks ever. As we are all internet nerds ourselves... this is not so far away. Also, Lady Ada's brain is sexy. And Susan Thunder not only has an awesomely cool name, but HACKED THE GOVERNMENT. Hot.
Egypt tries to reassure its citizens that text messages can't kill them. I'm sort of delighted this made the news, but on the other hand.... really?
Heard The Preakness on the radio and I need their album now, maybe.
Have a listen. I need to get more involved in the Atlanta arts and music scene, I keep telling myself.
I am totally procrastinating on studying, you may have guessed already.