[Toryglen Highrise flats, Glasgow]

Nov 26, 2006 14:15

My first post :D I'll post up all my older exploratiosn soon hopefully. For more information go to the profile of this journal.

Anyway, today Colin, my step-dad, and I went to explore a place that may seem familiar to you. If it is (or isn't) then this might help-

image Click to view

The lower building has now been knocked down and the park has been ripped out however the high rise flats are still there until January 27th. All the colour on the building is what's left of the paint. There's a bit of a story about what happened here which I'll explain at the end of the photos.

If the other building was still standing I wouldn't have been able to get this picture seeing as I was standing on the site of it.

I would have loved to have got closer but it was fenced off and there was someone watching us. All the houses round about where anything but abandoned and we had company...

See the holes next to all the windows? That's where the blue paint came out at the start of the advert.

Now, when we arrived we started taking pictures. All of a sudden a car pulled up and the guy inside it seemed to be watching us. We went round the back to try and get pictures there when he walked up behind us. I was a little bit paranoid as Toryglen isn't the nicest part of Glasgow and we didn't exactly look like we were from around there. Anywho, he said to us that we could get better pictures from the other car park and offered to show us round there. We knew where to go but thought maybe we'd try. I took a picture of his number plate just in case when he wasn't looking. We got in the car and followed him round the corner and I went up to the fence to take more pictrues. Colin was talking to him, and found out he was part of the demolition company and was making sure that no tramps or kids tried to go inside. We weren't 100% sure he could be trusted and when he asked what we were doing Colin told him it was a school project. He then said "oh really? I can give you the plans and stuff if you want." Decided we might as well follow him to his "office" to see what he was on about and if his story was true. Sure enough, whilst I waited in the car by order of Colin he brought out the plans and a flag with paint on it (no idea why...) and he asked us to meet him at ASDA to give them back to him after we'd photocopied them or whatever. Colin was speaking away to him and I felt ok by this time. He had the plans so maybe he wasn't a nutjob. Until he told us he was suing Sony O_o;

I asked why and he said the paint wasn't safe. I said that I'd read about it and every article said the paint was perfectly safe and the people living nearby had been given a day trip to Ayr to make sure they were out the way. He said they were liars O_O Anyway, he was a bit of a nutter and Colin later found out that he used to be in the army and in charge of explosives. Anywho, looked at the plans which were quite interesting but didn't get photocopies. I did get one picture,

It shows the way they wanted the paint to explode.

Anyway, pointless story for you.
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