I'm not sad, I just miss a lot of things

Nov 23, 2011 21:30

Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday to celebrate when I lived in the US. Food was great, but most of all, my host family was great. Are great, still. Even though they got me pretty tipsy one year at thanksgiving, which made me make an incredibly embarressing speech complete with tears, those dinners where some of the best of my time there. There was just such a togetherness and for me coming into their family as a stranger, I never felt less a part of the family because of it. I miss them like crazy.

Then I also miss Chicago. I miss my sister. Through the years it's become ~easy to slip back into not being around her most of the year but it's getting harder and this summer we got really close. I miss that. Speaking of Chicago, I also miss being able to have a stern talk to ny nephew regarding his behaviour. That little rascal got detention, in detention! He obviously didn't listen when I told him to behave until next summer, haha.

I miss the wonderful fic bunny I got earlier today but was stupid enough not to write down. Now I don't remember anymore. Haven't felt inspired to write at all lately, but I felt really inspired when the bunny hopped around my brain. Could've been fun. Oh well.

But to not make this all sad and depressing, I'll get into the real spirit of thanksgiving instead.

So I'm thankful for music for keeping me sane.
  I'm thankful for arctic_greyfannytmoku_youbi, and redorchids for being my friends in real life as well as on here. Can't believe you guys endure me sometimes. You keep me sane too. 
     Definitely thankful for all the nice, shirtless pictures we've gotten of Brendon this year. And pantsless Spencer ;)

Happy Thanksgiving!


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