Put another x on the calendar, summer's on it's deathbed

Aug 31, 2011 19:40

First of all: I HAVE INTERNET! I can stop being all whiney over not being able to watch videos or see pictures (I read my last three posts, they were all about that. Not counting my porn-posts.). Secondly, I'm back in Sweden. Got back last night and I'm still at the stage were it feels weird. As if the surroundings doesn't fit me. Walking into my apartment yesterday felt bizarre in a way. Everything felt as if they were the wrong dimensions, and it didn't feel like home. I've probably just been thinking about my place all wrong, and it's just weird when the expectations didn't match up. Today it feels better but not like it usually does, but I guess I'll get there. I must say though, that sleeping with my own comforter was very, very nice.

Summer went over too fast. I had things to do this year so I didn't get homesick like I did last year. Paired with the fact that I made two new friends (who both like bandom bands) time just flew away. One highlight was definitely when redorchids fannyt, and their dudes came over and we went and visited moku_youbi and Muse. So much fun. Another one was the trip I took with the family to Colorado. Even though I spent a week up on a mountain with basically nothing to do, it was really awesome to have been there.

Musically I haven't been to as many shows as last year. Empires was, of course, amazing both times I saw them. Jon was good one time out of two, haha. William Beckett was pretty awesome though. Would definitely like to go to a TAI show again. Right before I left I went and saw The Graduate at their last show ever. I'd never heard them before, but my new friends were going and I had nothing to do so I tagged along. Best decision in a long time. Most of the time it's not that much fun to go see a band when you don't know the music but it really didn't matter. They were so freaking good. It's a shame they're quitting.

I've not missed out on everything fandom has had to offer for the past three months. Everytime I heard a song by a bandom band I got all fuzzy inside. Patrick got played every now and then on the local Chicago stations, Cobra gets lots of airplay and Gym Class Heroes was picking up too at the end of summer. A little bummed that Panic doesn't get much airplay though. I mean, their songs fits in with what is played on the radio right now. Anyway, I really like This City, and now I'm even more excited to hear the rest of the album. Cobra's new cd is pretty good. They get more polished with every album they make. Not sure if I think it's a good or a bad thing yet.

I tried all summer to get my nephews to expand their music horizons, and in the end I'm not sure if I should feel succesful or not. Out of everything I played for them, Hurricane and Ready To Go stuck with them. So we listened to those two songs. Only those two. For about 3 weeks, everytime we were in the car. Then This City came out and they wanted to catch that on the radio so at least then I got some variation. At least they picked up their love for Cobra then too. One afternoon when we were out of power I showed them the videos I had on the computer. Weekend at Pete Rose's and It's almost Halloween probably got the best ratings if the number of views is anything to go by. My oldest nephew, who's 10, also wanted my ND rubber bracelet so he could wear it to school and show his friends. I feel somewhat victorious in brain washing :P

Speaking of brain washing. My friend N showed me the pic of Brendon in the mankini a few days after it got out and my first thought was "my eyes, my eyes", and then "huh, he grooms". As much as there's talk about wanting nude pictures of the guys, when it actually comes down to it, I think I'll take a pass. That pic is basically as close as it gets. I greatly appreciate shirtless pictures (I'm looking at you Spencer) but I'd rather they keep their pants on.

Okay, I'm done rambling on and on. Now I'll go back to try to get mentally ready to go back to school. We already have two assignments for next week. This semester is going to be hell. So not ready for it.

music, chicago, personal, bandom

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