So today I was at my internship again, but no classes to be held, only a day in the office so to speak. The plan was to work on the report I need to write about these weeks and putting some final touches into the planning of the lessons I've created for next week. I did the last part of those tasks. Mostly I wrote fic. And read fic, but more on that later. Switching in between writing and reading more or less all day. My instructor said at one point to a collegue, "I don't know what she's doing but she looks focused". Right then I was mostly focused on not crying my eyes out.. And while I'm happy for my progress on my own fic, I'm less happy with the fact that I stray so easily from what I'm suppose to do.
Anyway, the fic I've been reading, am reading even, since I'm only a little more than halfway. And you guys! How can I have missed
behindthec 's The Present and the Distance? It's amazing, in so many ways that I can't even begin. I've seriously been switching between wanting to cry and laugh my ass off all day. I have freaking bitemarks inside my cheeks from holding in tears. It wouldn't look good if i had started bawling my eyes out infront of my instructor when I'm suppose to be working on a boring paper. If you haven't already, read it! And please don't tell me the ending yet if you've already read it.
So I'm off to keep reading, see if I can finish before tomorrow so I'm not all impatient during the day when I have classes to teach.