Jul 14, 2005 02:11
ok its time for a Karl spaz. What you don't wanna hear it? To damn bad.
Ok so today I went to the beach with Chris and Monica. I was having a great day. It was uber fun for me. We not once reminesed about the old days which was uber great because it gets so fucking annoying when half the time all you ever do is talk about the old days. What you can't keep a conversation going with me? Shit I can only hold up a conversation for so long.
OK so I head fun, got home and ate dinner. Felt like shit after dinner. I got sun burn at the beach and I was begining to feel it. So then Tim came and picked me up for our meeting about this camping trip. Well in short no one really wanted to be having it. It was heavily needed. From their we droped people off at home before picking up angila and going back to tims to watch season 3 of saved by the bell. So things were going ok. But then towards the end of the night I don't know how it was brought up really but I ended up talking about my oh so wounderful b-day hell. So I was now in a sour mood. I don't know why but I just couldn't shake it. Hell when I said my goodbyes after being droped off I didn't even go for my hug goodbye from angila. Ah well I was kindsa pissed off. So here I sit just pissed trying to drown out my world with some nine inch nails blairing into my head. I so can't wait for this camping trip to be over cause I will probobly just drop off of everyones raidar and become nothing more than a shadow. Well unless some dramatic happens to chainge my mind but I already know what it will take and I just don't see it happening. Fear not loyal friends as I will one day make another apperance, its just when that I do not know.