until the last beat of my heart

May 04, 2013 22:41

Nine hours from the start line of my first half marathon, I feel mainly that I may never quite be the same person again. I feel as though I'm about to embark on a trial by fire, fierce and agonizing, from which I'll emerge changed, a different, more refined creature, with access to capabilities not yet mine.

Two weeks ago, after the longest run of my half marathon training (12.17 miles in 2:54:15), a guy from my 2013in2013 team said to me, "Tough runs make tough runners." It was what I needed to hear after the last three or four miles of that run, when more and more I couldn't quite see how to pass from each moment to the next, sustaining the movements of my body.

And then there will come a time when I must run with my heart.

I knew this, and I know this will be tomorrow's true test: not of the capabilities of my body, which is undertrained but adequate, but of the capabilities of my heart, which is a tenacious and resourceful muscle. These are the things I already know about myself, when I'm honest and brave and at my best, that I don't need tomorrow's race to prove: that I'm stubborn and persistent and longsuffering and strong.

I can do this. I will do this. In half a day, I will become that mythical self, Connie the Half Marathoner, and I will cry or kiss the ground, and this thing will always be mine to keep, and what is possible for me will change.

!filter:public, running, !year:2013

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