Jul 11, 2007 17:34
I bought my tickets yesterday for OoTP to catch the 7 pm show tonight. But after reading some reviews on some of the sites I visit, I find myself having that same heavy feeling about walking into that theatre and not knowing what to expect- the same feeling as I get when I realize DH is coming closer and closer.
God, I wish people would post their reviews as spoilers!!
*sigh* Just a little over 3 more hours and maybe I'll feel a little bit better. You know what's sad though? Too many shipers are basing this movie on how much screen time their couple gets. "Oh its a total harmony movie- it sucks" or "OMG it just screamed R/HR- the books are better!!"
Movies are strictly eye candy, we know what happens in the books so of course we're going to see pretty much the same thing on screen. H/Hr was all about the small moments being the ones that count and because the movies aren't in-your-face-harmony for life we're supposed to be upset about this? Because Hermione isn't subconsciously screaming "I LOVE YOU *insert shipper preferance here*" to the audience doens't mean the movie is going to suck. We forget so much about the world of Harry Potter that we've based our opinion of 11 months of really hard work on which ship looks the strongest in the movie.