flying on.....

Oct 08, 2004 03:21

another new stage in my life is beginning, and so another new way of expressing myself beginz with this 'ere journal:) with a fresh hope that in this form i may connect with some soulz who are genuine and can help me grow (and vice-versa) so, if i've connected you as a friend then you are either part of the pioneering mental sanctuary family in new york, who shine pure with honest creativity, or someone i've somehow come across who i find interesting and real

so, i guess a brief introduction is needed now;?

ok - currently living in a heavily aggressive industrial shithole located in the north east of england, which i hope beyond wordz to leave soon;) for either new york should i be welcome, or amsterdam should my style-of-sparkle be more safely at home there, where the authorities are a little less fascist, and where i already have several friendz who i regard as familia ~ forever in plur:) i guess i can describe what i do simply as explore and help people - my two great passions, driven by my love for humanity, reality and an intense desire for freedom

really early on in my explorations of life i realized true freedom can only be obtained for all or none

for a while this knowledge was quite a depressive weight to carry around in ma wee noggin' but with several sharply focussed yearz of exploring the mechanicx of the system and analyzing the structure of reality, that knowledge has led to an ever-increasing lightness-of-being, as my experiences and knowledge broadened to evolve my consciousness to the point of clarity i find myself comforted by at this moment in time

sure, on the surface, this world lookx to be in very deep & stinky shit, and which seemz to be sinking further into a cataclysmic horror show, BUT.... digging deeper and you find a whole movement of determined soulz being guided by their true nature to seek and project love & clarity ~ recognizing our choices of thought and actions affect our lives directly, via the reality we help to create around ourselves.....

...bringing us neatly back to the reason i've begun writing this journal;) to hopefully connect with people at a level of friendship based on genuine unconditional love, so whatever creativity or knowledge we share is shared with absolute truth in honesty and trust, and where perhaps we can benefit from knowing each other as REAL friendz ~ together on a journey of mutual understanding and growth

strangers united
visions of peace
in sight
with de-light replacing fear
such is la vie
i thank you
for being


i'm sure i'll get 'round to writing something interesting and/or funny soon;) just wanted to begin all this on a stable foundation of understanding

for now tho' i must go slaapwaze


welterusten x

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