the now & forever

Oct 12, 2004 22:02

came across this handy summary today.....

2004 U.S. Election, An Illuminati Experiment

By Aaron Labossiere
October 2, 2004

The 2004 US Presidential Election is one of the most important elections in the history of the world. It is an experiment of the Illuminati that is to determine the willingness of the American people to become the Fourth Reich. I do not live in America myself so I am that much less bombarded with US political propaganda. I live in Canada and have a more-or-less clear view of America from a distance. This is what I see.

F irst, I find that people were mostly convinced by Bush's invasion justification. If you could look into Iraq as a society, you'd see that what Sadam was doing was pretty much all that works. Did you know that Sadam was an American? America installed him as a puppet regime to keep Iraq under control. Look what happens when you yank Sadam out: chaos. bloodshed, looting, death, and anarchy. Iraqis are very different people. They were provided for by oil-dollars so very few of them had jobs. They lived a strictly organized way of life that consisted of religious practice and modesty. Those who stirred up trouble were disposed of.

Harsh? Only through our cushy Canadian eyes. Sadam's harsh-seeming policy was necessary to maintain peace and order. Granted, he got a little out of line when he went after the Kurds and Kuwaitis, but these peoples are exactly the same as the Iraqis are in terms of social protocol. He was not a menace to America. He was not a "madman". He was simply a puppet installed by America to do what America saw fit. Now, it may seem that Sadam has been defeated, but when considering his origin and purpose, I dare say he has completely succeeded.

We rely far too much on the censored media of America. We hear only what we are meant to hear. Consider the fact that all media networks are owned by a select few individuals who are all in the pocket of the government.. Not rocket science.

What causes me to really shake my head is how simple the true issue of the election is and how few are even seeing it!

The 2004 US Presidential election is simply a referendum on imperialist foreign policy. Realize that Bush and Kerry are NOT rivals. They are long-time buddies, brothers in the infamously dark fraternity at Yale known as the Skull & Bones Society. They are partners in an experiment right now. The Illuminati has them pitted against each other to determine the readiness of the American people for imperialism. In simple terms, Bush and Kerry, in this election, each represent a different foreign policy. Kerry says that before going to war, we need the approval of the global community as a whole. Bush says that America has divine sanction to do anything it wants to do to anyone without any "ifs", "ands", or "buts".

The experiment that is the 2004 election is set up to determine the willingness of the American people to become the next Roman Empire, The Fourth Reich. If Bush is re-elected after having invaded Iraq, then the Illuminati will give the green light to go ahead and invade Iran (Bush has already stated this intention).

Iran has a tenuous and somewhat covert alliance with Russia and China. Iran is looking for an excuse to turn Israel into a smoking crater, and.. do the math. In essence, if Bush is re-elected, World War Three is inevitable. USA (and any unlikely suckers that go along with it) vs EVERYONE ELSE. When you look at it with a clear head and unobstructed vision, it is perfectly clear that USA today, is Nazi Germany of old.

On the other hand, if Kerry is elected, it will show that the American people are not ready to be the next Global Empire.. This would simply push back the NWO time-table of imperialist expansion (conquest).

Wake up America! The fact that Canada (which seems to be a moral compass of the world) didn't go along with your little invasion should tip you off that you have pushed the limits.

I don't support Kerry as a person (he's a ding-bat just like Bush) but I support holding off WWIII for as long as possible. I rest my case.

-Aaron Labossiere, Etheric Freedom Fighter

as the future remainz a series of possibilities, WWIII is only gonna arrive if we fail to act in large enuff numberz

so, of great help would be, naturally, to share this information and delay/prevent America's invasion of Iran (or North Korea)* by voting for the lesser of two-idiotic-to-really-be-evil puppets, so the warriors/lightworkers have more of this drastically-undervalued substance known as time to develop our separate, yet etherically-connected, projectx into positions where we can then connect openly within the 3rd (dimension) showing lucifer's little helpers what REAL power is (love & unity) and awaken all their sleeping sheeple followers (currently glued to their bling and state-approved prejudices)

[* and thus leaving themselves wide-open for the planned Chinese/Russian invasion force to stomp right on into 'the land of the free' - rendering people so scared & confused that they'll happily welcome in the NWO, and cheer loudly while their chips are being implanted....]

yet now, due to the ever-increasing wave of love & clarity emerging strong throughout this purdee pearl of a world, our beloved illuminati/NWO are finding more of us who've woken-up to their sick twisted games, and are defeating their agenda on many different levelz - their mind-controlling transmitters are steadily being rendered ineffective with discreetly-placed orgone generators, the large-scale (CIA/Mossad/ISI) terrorist attackx are being thwarted by genuinely loving (and thus increasingly-powerful) psychicx who won't be bought or intimidated into inaction, and the staged 'alien invasion' has been put-off (presumed for good) after knowledge of it spread too wide - as also lookx likely to be the case with the possible 'Russian' insurgence (conducted & played by Homeland Security)(& CNN) at an unnamed (undecided?) small coastal military base - to ironically gain them trust for 'defeating' the 'commie bastards' by being 'the good patriots people can rely on', whilst sowing more seedz of fear & increasing the energy given by people to subconsciously allow WWIII to happen

BASICALLY.... the now is what is.... the forever is for you to decide

altho' this information may seem too 'heavy' or depressing, it's actually very very positive - mass action is happening from individualz & groups the world over..... and if this info can help you help others truly wake-up, then that goes further in strengthening the change

i'm just stating factx here when i say i have very specific abilities & knowledge to ensure we don't need to put ourselves through any more of this shit - i have connections who can lead me to direct negotiations with the families in control of the system/illuminati/world, and having evolved a post-shift consciousness (along with the UDP) there's a very clear, workable and realistically achievable way to put AN END TO ALL THIS UNNECESSARY SUFFERING

which is surely, when all's said & done, what we ALL want?

advancing my own scope of help is on my ass, and is coming along naturally on the flow~ which i'm guessing/hoping will enter it's 'final stage' when i get (on ma bike;) over to New York


it's weird

imagine being locked in a boxx and knowing the one you love is about to step into a bottomless pit, where all you can do is bang out some morse-code they don't really understand, listen to for a bit, then walk on....

that's exactly how i feel

...and for humanity's sake trying as hard as i can to do a Houdini (whilst praying on-the-side for someone who knows morse-code to come along with a vitally-precious key;))


i can but try.....

one thing to remember: your life is your own, and you have as much power within & outside of yourself as anybody else..... it's up to you how you use it

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