one o' the best feelingz in the world for me is when events/knowledge come together and become so clear i can but sit there and go "ahhh..... now i get it" :)
confirmations and expansion of a clarity developed in isolation alwaze happen when i go see some familiafriendz..... it's such a beautiful & honest quality of love i'm forever honoured by..... real and in-yer-face
i love my friendz..... i love people..... i really do
funny :)
i wish i had someone with me who has a photographic memory tho' as so much usually happenz, with so many points of interest & revelations i wanna share (to help) but my memory for detailz is so woeful that a lotta that kinda flies away on the etherbreeze.....
i'm on such a natural high right now, as my life (and more importantly the freedomwork) is becomming so effortless to progress it's like being immersed in a waterfall of dreamz, where all that's needed is to open up and taste the nectar of life which is all around us
even in such a run-down depraved shithole as this place there's a unique beauty of warmth i've tapped into, and which we're determined to connect & release through a document, currently in it's initial planning stages, which will detail the reality of what's really going on here, along with providing varying degrees of real help to enable significant change to happen
i may be blowing too hard on my own trumpet here, but i really amaze maself sometimes with my inherent talent to see life in all it's glorious subtleties with such simplicity that i can instantly get to what's real, and effectively solve people's problemz as they're presented to me
perhaps it's empathy heightened by awareness and a post-shift consciousness i dunno, but the point is that altho' it may not translate very well thru' the written word (b-coz most of my communication -i realized to great extent last night- is done non-verbally, and especially with our eyes) i do have the necessary gifts and knowledge to be of extreme & effective help in solving the problem we all share.... this state.... this non-freedom which breedz the myriad of consequencial problemz - causing untold and heartbreaking stress, frustration, violence etc etc to pervade and infect the world of today
i need to get ma hairy li'l tigger-butt to new york, i really do
mehbe if i vanquish my distaste of money, and look upon it as simply another form of energy, i might be able to attract enuff to see me there, and get the whole show on the road?
i think on a deeper level tho' that it all comes down to natural timing and how energy connects in a very precise way, so when the circumstances, awareness levelz and a million-to-one incredibly subtle factors are aligned to hit the right spot, then the appropriate space & energy opens up delightfully on cue with perfected grace
a couple of ideas worth exploring popped-up from discussing it with the friendz i went to see yesterday, so i'll see how that goes, as i can't just wait for something to *magickally* (or should that be
*magically*?;) to appear, 'coz that's way too self-defeating and unrealistically lazy
after all, we all create our own realities
stress, frustration, love, tranquility, happiness, misery etc etc etc are all personal choices to make
i hope you're choosing wisely what's healthy for you.....
:) x