Mar 08, 2005 18:54
boro played like absolute cat-flaps against villa, so that kinda set satdee on fire with wild inspiration and profound gaity.... hmmm :-s *pff* ;) 'coz it was an early 1/2 12 kick-off, by the tijd darius, the girlz and especially the later arrivalz mark an' jody got here, me an' peter were a bit too far on our way really, so the vibe was all out of whack, which didn't help me verbalize maself very well ~ consequently the serious topic of "everything'z gonna be ok, enjoy what you're doing as you feel with hope for the future and delight in your present" got a bit lost under the weight of another heavy sesh
i felt bad for mark an' jody in particular, comin all that way to see me not exactly on top form, an' i was beating myself up quite badly about that on sunday, which shaz helped me stop doing and get back to the moment ~ which is essentially a waiting period before the right tijd arrives, and the energy openz up to progress thingz on that score
mind you, if anyone wants to help speed thingz up i'm willing to sell the rights to "sioux nation" (book/soundtrack/film) for 3x grand
or 49% of gmaxx entertainment
49% of "banshee"
someone could snap themselves up a good deal there
but until that someone does, or something else turnz up, i guess i'm on holiday, with this huge space to fill... it could be a good chance to be 'normal' without the workstuff on my mind all the time.. which should help me relate to people here better... i dunno - i just wanna get going really
thingz seem to be balancing out sweeet for everyone around lately ~ is heartening to hear mandy'z gettin back into the care industry, and darius has reached a point where he's looking to open a residential care home to help more people, which is cool
even on the bus today, there was a trio of old biddies talking about how one of 'em was getting increased psychic abilities, and commenting how it all broadenz the mind etc
seemz this paradigm is spreading beautifully..... naturally
"the 'new' paradigm consists basically of realizing we're all the f*ckijn same, and in order to progress into freedom-of-mind and contentment-of-being you need to live the moment (which alwaze holdz answerz and opportunities for growth) by letting-go of expectationz, fear, judgements, worries, guilt, shame etc and just be yourself ~ following your heart... doing what you love... what is natural... without all the bullshit
at the moment what's mainly causing the shite is the system we live under, which has basic fundamental flaws/faults - which have been/are being identified and which can/shall be changed on the flow as more people awaken, become empowered and take action where they can how they can
when people free themselves from the false/damaging system-values and realize we do actually have the power to create nice safe & happy lives for ourselves then we all win"