Love yourself today - multifandom/multicharacter - NC-17

Dec 10, 2005 03:52

It only took a freaking long time, but I cranked out nineteen drabbles of sweet, sweet obscenity. I feel very talented, because drabbles and porn both suck if you don't do them right, but cramming ninteen different sex scenes from a bunch of different fandoms and a whole spectrum of pairings into 1,900 words just makes me feel like I rock.

Also, it's porn. Which needed to be written. Somehow, though, plot still snuck in. Goddamn plot. We hates the plot.

Anyways... Disclaimer: I am not Square Enix, I am not Nightow-sama, I am not Hirano-sama, I am not Anne Rice-sama, I am not the crack heads who invented Weiss Kruez, nor the crack head who invented Revolutionary Girl Utena. I am not George Romero. I am not Tomoko Hayakawa. I am not any of these people. I don't own any of these characters. I don't get any payment. For the love of GOD don't sue/ban/hit me.

He was definitely drunk. He really had no idea. He had taken maybe a hundred shots to break those created tolerances. It made everything blurry, doubled, tripled, whole. He tried to walk and the floor jumped up to meet him. Oh that wasn’t a good sign.

He let himself fall back, captured in strong arms. He felt small and warm. Protected.

His stomach lurched. Motion sick. He turned and clung to whoever was holding him. He shut his eyes and the nausea faded. He grabbed the man’s waist band and stuffed his hand down.

Oh this was a bad idea.


The amazing thing about Yumie was that she was still as small and delicate as Yumiko, but her behavior never ever fit that body. But it was that body.

Heinkel penetrated her with her tongue, over and over again letting the sharp taste flood her mouth. Yumie, or Yumiko, did it even matter anymore, twitched with every stab. Henkel dug her fingers into Yumiko’s thighs to keep her down and in place as Yumie bucked and thrust.

“Just fuck me already!” She screamed into the air. But no, she was going to make this last as long as she could.


He couldn’t believe they were actually trying this. He’d always wanted to. Just to see what it would feel like.

“Had enough?” He asked. Farfarello glared at him. He already had four fingers in already, if he could just get his thumb in. He could make a fist. They’d be doing this.

Oh God, they’d really have done it. Even with the band around the base of Farfarello’s cock, the poor swollen thing leaked.

“Hurry up.” Farfarello hissed. He slipped his slick thumb in with the rest of his hand. It slid right in. They were actually fucking doing this.


Once they’d started, they couldn’t stop. Utena’s hand slipped past her rumpled skirt and into her panties. The soft pad of her finger brushed the lips of her cunt and it made Anthy whimper. She needed this so bad.

Utena’s fingers were totally slick before they caught purchase on something that made Anthy snap backwards so hard she choked. Utena’s fingers caught it again, those soft pads with the finger nails cut to the quick leaving soft skin, and made viscious circles all around that one spot, just to the left.

Anthy sobbed and sucked hard on her lover’s tongue.


He was so ashamed of this. He shouldn’t use this arm like this, but there was a scar right across the palm that felt so good when it dragged across the thin crease between the head and the shaft.

Legato Bluesummers bit into his right hand until he tasted blood. He swallowed it, leaving his bedsheets pristine white. He was on his knees with his forehead totally soaked in sweat and pressed into the mattress.

He had to stop this, but his mind burned for just this. He tightened his grip and thrust a little harder into the stolen palm.


Dominique couldn’t help herself, the thought of him below her. She leaned back against the wall and rubbed harder. She was losing her place and it pissed her off. If she stopped now she was totally doomed for the night. She could keep the image in her mind and her hand in the right place. She could. She could. She could

That mouth, that never smiled, but sometimes smirked. He ate so daintily: he would surely make tiny licks, small, appreciative. He would want her to hold him down and fuck him, but he would be in control every minute.


Her hands were on the top of her breasts. Seras tried desperately to swallow past the lump in her throat.

“Why can’t you just take what you need?” Integra drawled. Seras blushed and tried not to whimper.

“You deserve it after all of this.” Integra’s glossed lips leaving a stick mark on her ear.

Just the brush of gloved hand against the front of her breast made her nipple harden. She wished she could will it down. Wanted to will away the warmth between her legs. Integra grabbed the tiny nub and twisted. Seras couldn’t hold back anymore.

She bit.


“You want this.” He murmured, his voice so smooth and dark. He laughed and Cloud thought of horrible things that lurked in their past, just waiting to snap out and destroy this. But nothing happened, except Sephiroth took him whole into his mouth.

Cloud bucked up at least three inches, but he didn’t choke. Of course he didn’t choke. It only figured.

Sephiroth sucked hard, and it hurt, which just seemed right. There were teeth, horrible hard teeth at the base of his erection. But the tip of it, was oh gods straight down his worst nightmare, greatest hero’s throat.


Rip loved to trace her tongue along all of Zorin’s tattoos. Apparently it tickled, and wasn’t appreciated, but she did it anyways. Tracing the ones around her dark, pointed nipple with the edge of one sharp canine. She paid special attention to the ones on Zorin’s ribs, near her stomach, and the woman absolutely squirmed. Like a little trapped animal.

Rip put her hand between Zorin’s naked thighs, relishing in the soft wetness she found there. This was always so worth it. Rip licked her fingers tasting what was so much like blood.

It was time to skip some tattoos.


Tifa had her leg thrown over her hip, pinning the girl in place. Oh, they shouldn’t be doing this, but she wanted to so badly. She had herself pressed against the blunt crest of Aeris’s hip, her pubic bone. She thrust and with every thrust she must have touched something, because Aeris shuddered and dug her delicate fingers into her breasts.

Tifa’s own breasts jumped up at her every time she thrust, when she could stand to open her eyes against the hot electric pleasure of every thrust against the willing girl’s body she caught those bright green eyes staring.


Tseng leaned back and looked upon the work he had created. Arms tied together. Ankles bound to wrists. Thighs and calves pressed together and wrapped in tight rope that made hills and valleys of that pale flesh and those fine blonde hairs.

“Fuck you.” The blonde snapped. “Stop staring.” Tseng wrapped his cool hand around that straining, bright red erection and took one languid stroke that got his fingers covered in precum. He stared into those angry blue eyes with their blown pupils.

Slowly he licked the translucent liquid off his hand.

“Mr. President,” he drawled. “I can’t do that.”


Manx bit her lip to keep from flinching. She tried to seem like she was focusing, as if working would protect her.

“Birman.” She hissed. “I need to work.” But the girl had snuck under the desk and was dragging her fingernails up the soft cotton between Manx’s legs. Birman’s fingers snuck under the fabric and sunk into soft, wet, willing flesh.
“Birman.” She whispered.

Birman ran her fingers upwards, towards the peaks of Manx’s pubic bone and rubbed her clit, soft at first, but then harder and harder. Manx covered her mouth with her hand, smearing her lipstick hopelessly.


Mouse was terrified of dying. He clung hard to Cholo, who was the strongest person he knew. They’d just been out there. Out there. But Cholo’s thick fingers buried inside of him. His own nimble fingers slipping the condom on Cholo.

It all drove the recent past away. They weren’t splattered with long dead gore. No, no, no they weren’t. He wasn’t staring at death as it lurched mindlessly towards him. No.

He was here in strong arms, burying his head in the crook of a tense neck, digging his teeth into a beyond tense deltoid.

Cholo killed death. There was nothing to fear.


“I don’t like ugly girls.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. One long, thin, bony hand crept up her chest and the other down her leg. She couldn’t help but turn into him. His hands were nearly skeletal, if she thought about it, and his body so long and thin.

She let him put his hand down the front of her baggy sweater, dip under the vinyl bra she loved to wear. She let him reach up her frumpy skirt and unzip her panties.

“Why?” Sunako whimpered.

“You’re not ugly.” Kyohei murmured.


It was such a perfect break, in all the chaos. Things just… happened. He slipped his tongue into the folds of her. His hand was already half buried in Tifa’s.

His erection was demanding that it be the only thing on his mind, but he could barely fit it into his head. Aeris’ eyes were cloudy and distant. Thinking of Zack probably. Tifa had her eyes closed tightly, Cloud had no idea what she was thinking.

He used his free hand on himself, switching between Tifa’s heaving breathes and Aeris’s soft moans. He’d never admit to who he was seeing.


It made him crazy. To always be hard and never to have release. Some days were just worse than others. When he didn’t feed it was always worst. When he came back. From Hell. And heaven, he thought. It was the worst he could ever imagine.

Louis was there, full of the blood of sinners and beasts. It was good enough. He dragged his cold, perfect hand up Louis’s dry erection and listened to the man, still soft, still desperately clinging to humanity, whimpering.

Then he nearly tore Louis's throat open with his teeth. It was almost like an orgasm.


The Captain pulled his lips tight around Schröedinger’s small erection. The tiny werewolf (werecat?) squirmed awfully. Captain knew what he did, what the not a child, did with those other two. It disgusted him.

But he wanted it, and it was offered so freely. This body was free to whoever wanted it. Schröedinger came in his mouth and quickly caught his breath and slipped underneath him. He leaned back and enjoyed the view as the creature went to work excitedly. His small mouth and tongue sent thrills of pleasure up his spine no matter what they did.

He didn’t care.


Heinkel had no idea what she was doing, or why it felt so good, but it just did. Yumiko, really Yumiko, and her small tongue just licking, enthusiastic, but not with any skill. Her thin fingers were so gently, Heinkel almost couldn’t feel them, but they made her shiver everytime they slid out and then back in again. It built up deep inside and made her shiver all over.

She had no idea what she was doing, but only that she was doing it and that it was Yumiko. That was all that mattered. She had the softest orgasm.



He was bent over. He was everywhere. His mouth on the back of his neck licking off the sweat there. His stomach rubbing against his back, muscles so cut, so hard it was like a massage. His hand covered the whole of Cloud’s erection. Just thinking about that, made the whole mess slicker with his pre-cum.

The backs of his legs kept running into hard, tight thigh muscles. It was so unfair! He wanted more! More of this, more of him. He bit into the pillow beneath him in frustration and came so hard he couldn’t remember his own name.

Hooo boy. That was... special. HELLO 4 AM HOW ARE YOU?
ETA:OMG these drabbles have reawakened my Trigun muses. They have run into the FFVII muses and are... chatting. Cloud and Legato seem to be trying to outdo each other on the unrequited gay angst thing.
Legato: I'm in love with my eternal master.
Cloud: Well, I'm in love with my destined rival.
Legato: Yeah, except my imaginary boyfriend is trying to destroy the human race.
Cloud: So's mine. And he impaled me on his sword.
Legato: Mine broke my spine and left me for dead!
Cloud: Wow. That's true love!
Legato: I know. ::blushes::

Zack and Vash are... drunk. Aeris and Milly are picking flowers, or something. Knives and Sephiroth are sitting around in not enough clothing talking about plans to take over the world, how much being ressurected from the brink of death sucks and also... hair care products.

::giggle:: My Mom is so putting crack in my food.

genre: porn, fanfic, rating: nc-17

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