How to Ruin a Couch - Cloud/Zack - NC-17

Apr 23, 2008 07:10

Title: How to Ruin a Couch
Author/Artist: Ann V. (Intravenusann)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Teenage boys, discussion of gender switch, brief mention of other relationships/attractions (Zack-->Aeris, Zack-->Cissnei), silliness
Word count: 3050
A/N: I've never done something like this before, really, so I hope it is enjoyable. And I want to thank my betas, Hilde, Rayerai, and Feywood.
Summary: Zack convinces Cloud to let him try out the materia he just got back, leveled up, from his Turk friends. Sexy, tentacular shenanigans ensue.

Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Zack (Cloud tops if there's sex), Zack hadn't expected the new spell from the sex-toy/genderswitch materia to work like this.

“Look what I just got back,” Zack says to him as soon as the apartment door is shut. There’s a bit of a sigh and something almost like a long-suffering look from Cloud.

“Tseng said he thinks it leveled up,” Zack continues, rolling the materia between his palms. “I don’t really wanna think about how he could have used it enough to level it up, but…”

There is a look in Zack’s eye that is so sweet and so focused that it’s hard to think of it as having such ill, ill intent.

“Zack,” he’s wavering. Another sigh. He supposes that he could really live with being a girl tonight. He doesn’t mind that much, if it’s for Zack. But…

“I don’t really feel up to that tonight.”

“Oh, well,” Zack sounds disappointed. “I just wanted to see what it does now, but it can always wait.” He grins and whatever guilt Cloud was going to feel evaporates.

The materia goes away into Zack’s pocket and Cloud is certain that he’ll stay a man all night long.

“I want to spend time with you way more than I want to know what a leveled up sex materia does,” Zack says and that, as well as the way he’s stepping forward in the cramped space of Zack’s apartment, is a good sign that Cloud’s about to get the life hugged out of him. But Zack can’t help it, Cloud just gets this look like he’s so relieved that Zack didn’t try to push the materia on him, or something.

He can feel the muscles in his neck pulling, but it’s worth it to be able to hold Cloud and kiss him at the same time. Zack feels warm all over every time he hears Cloud’s pulse jump-and he can hear that kind of thing. Cloud worries sometimes that he just isn’t very responsive, but it’s hard to worry when Zack’s so… enthusiastic.

“Should we move?” he gets out, talking into Zack’s mouth where the words get all distorted, muffled and echoed at the same time.

And they do. Cloud feels oddly self-conscious about being half of a pair of horny teenagers making out on a couch, as if any moment his mom could walk into Zack’s apartment and catch him at it. It doesn’t help that Zack keeps a picture of his parents right by his personal computer. Cloud hasn’t got the heart to ask if he could maybe turn it down while they made out.

Then Zack kisses his way away from Cloud’s mouth, lips that have gone soft and wet from so much kissing touch all the parts on Cloud’s cheek that don’t really need to be shaved because he’s so blond and so young. But he can feel all the hairs that border between peach fuzz and actual facial hair and he feels a little ashamed that he didn’t shave. Zack always remembers to shave, though he says the SOLDIER treatments have meant he needs to shave less now-he doesn’t mind. It gets a little boring when you have to do it everyday, Zack said.

When Zack scrapes his bottom row of teeth on the sharp corner of Cloud’s jaw he forgets all about not having shaved and about the picture of Zack’s parents staring at him from over there to his left.

“Zack!” he says, protesting only at how good it feels. Zack’s teeth make a harsh little noise on the metal of Cloud’s earring. There’s a little tug, something ordinarily dully painful makes him feel too hot when it’s Zack’s mouth doing it. There’s hot breath against his ear, pants that make him squirm a little. His hips automatically thrust for anything at all, how quickly their kissing turns intensely sexual without a lick of clothing coming off.

“You okay?” Zack asks, whispering because he’s talking right into the shell of Cloud’s ear, his lips almost-but not quite-brushing the cartilage.

He makes a sort of ridiculously uncool noise and then gets out “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”

“Good,” Zack says and then licks the tragus of Cloud’s ear with just the tip of his tongue. Having someone put their tongue in his ear ought to feel completely repulsive, but Cloud jumps in Zack’s arms and makes another ridiculously uncool noise. At least Zack seems to accept Cloud, uncool noises and all. Zack runs a hand down Cloud’s full clothed chest and somehow manages to hit every sensitive spot on his sides, ribs, and belly on his way to putting a warm palm right over the tent of Cloud’s fly.

Zack’s pushing him back and he’s trying to grab back as Zack feels out everything--everything--while Cloud’s still got his pants fully on. He’s searching for belt buckles and zippers and buttons and he ends up groping the materia in Zack’s pocket instead.

“Do you wanna?” Zack asks, his voice is so thick and eager and still right in Cloud’s ear, which itches because it’s so flushed.

“Yeah,” he says, responding to Zack’s excitement instead of his own. His brain is somewhere on vacation, either in his pants or Costa Del Sol. So long as sex happens, and soon, he doesn’t really care how it happens much at all.

“Awesome,” Zack breathes out and Cloud bites right down on that uncool noise, strangling it out in a way that makes Zack grab his chin with one hand and kiss him until he can’t make any noises at all.

He backs up just enough to get the materia out of his pocket and Cloud ought to be thinking about how he didn’t want to be a girl tonight instead of the way the light gets concentrated in Zack’s eyes when his pupils are blown, like they are now.

“Wait,” Cloud says. “Let me just…”

“Oh.” Zack watches with a facial expression that is hungry and stunned as Cloud pulls off his gloves first and starts undoing everything that keeps his uniform on.

“Good idea!”

They end up kissing again as the pile on the floor by the foot of the couch grows rather ungainly with belts, suspenders, a bulletproof vest, armor from knees and elbows and shoulders, a pair of boxers, and a pair of briefs. Cloud watches as Zack sits up and back, watches the way his cock bobs slightly with the bounce in his motions. Cloud’s mouth waters, which makes him blush--not that it makes any difference from how pink he already is. No one should be able to look that good wearing just a mystile and a grin, but this is Zack and Zack can do pretty much anything. Cloud’s convinced.

“You sure?” he asks. “You said you didn’t want to before and-”

“Just do it,” Cloud says, every nerve in his body saying the only thing that matters is that he get off as quickly and efficiently as possible, before he explodes. “Please.”

Zack’s eyes are all huge and he can’t wait to get the spell over with so he can kiss Cloud silly again. Then he’ll rut him into the sofa cushions. Then they can switch off. Zack already wants to know what this leveled up thing can do from all angles.

There’s a flash of light and, when it fades, Cloud doesn’t have the small, pert breasts that Zack has come to love third only to Aeris and Cissnei’s. Though, what was thin and tightly muscled calves, hard as little bricks up under his knees and then skinny, with the overdeveloped extensors of a runner, dusted all over with pale leg hair-those amazing legs Cloud’s got, which had Zack impressed from their first meeting and which feel so great squeezing the life out of him when wrapped in ecstasy around his middle, are just a mess of pale-flesh colored tentacles.

“Whoa,” he breathes. This is probably cooler than breasts.

“Shit!” Cloud says. “What happened?!” He looks completely panicked as he pushes up on his elbows and tries to get up off the couch. Only tries, because he hasn’t exactly figured out how the things he’s got instead of legs work just yet, so he nearly ends up falling on his face. Only nearly, because Zack grabs him by the arm and the waist and pulls him back onto the couch and into his lap.

“Well,” Zack says into his neck, kissing and biting in between words. “This is not really what I expected, but it’s still hot.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Cloud says under his breath.

“Aw, come on! If tentacles weren’t hot there wouldn’t be all that porn with them in,” Zack argues. “Right?”

Cloud turns and just looks at him. There just aren’t words for that kind of stupid-crazy.

Zack just grins and grabs fistfuls of tentacles.

“Oh!” he moans. “No! Please don’t!”


“Ah! No! I can’t! Please Mr. Tentacle Beast!”

“Are you… crazy?”

And then Zack bites his lip and makes this noise that makes Cloud turn around before he even realizes he’s done it. Moving with all these new limbs is so much more instinctive than he’s necessarily okay with.

“I can’t-Oh! But it feels so good!” and he tosses his head back and forth with moans that sound far too good to be entirely fake. He pulls a hand up, wrapped around just one squirming tentacle, which is flushed at the tip like Cloud’s cheeks and ears. Zack puts it in his mouth. And sucks.

“Oh fuck,” Cloud says before he can think. Zack makes some muffled noises of appreciation. And yeah, there’s a lot of tentacles. In Zack’s lap. Squirming. The moans weren’t faked at all, apparently.

It’s almost like getting his dick sucked, almost but not quite. Another tentacle is reaching for Zack’s mouth and Cloud is so aware of how good the hard planes of Zack’s chest feel right now. It pokes the corner of Zack’s mouth, gets a look, and pokes again.

For Zack, it’s actually kind of painful to fit two tentacles in his mouth at the same time. One is pressing hard against the back of his throat testing the absolute limits of his gag reflex, and he’s actually concerned with biting them. But as he watches, Cloud leans in and kisses the stretched out corner of his mouth and the hollowed part of his cheek. Those big blue eyes, the hot flush in his pale cheeks, no one should be able to look that innocent and that sexual at the same time. No one. Someone ought to just plain make it illegal, like one of those back alley slum drugs, because it does things to Zack’s head and, let’s be honest, he’s kind of addicted.

Awareness seeps through Cloud slowly, as if the transformation has taken a while to take hold, or, more likely, he’s just taken a while to adjust. It’s so much stranger, even, than being a girl. He can feel all these parts of him getting sticky and sliding against Zack’s cock, wrapping around tightly and then coiling away, sliding against muscular thighs and square hips.

Now he can be the one to make Zack shiver. His hands are buried in Zack’s hair and he is still kissing Zack’s stretched out lips. Zack does shiver and he’s moaning, too. Cloud has no idea of the way the sticky fluid-which is probably ruining the couch, except that no one cares-makes Zack’s skin tingle and the blood come to the surface of his skin, hot and interested.

He can have his hands in Zack’s hair, his mouth on Zack’s neck, and still be jerking Zack off, cupping his balls, pressing against that spot right back behind them, groping his thighs, his stomach. And he feels like Zack’s got his cock in his mouth. Cloud is starting to see the appeal.

“I want,” he says against the sweaty skin of Zack’s collarbone. There’s only a muffled moan in response. But Zack grabs him by his tentacles and his hipbones, which have stuck around all skinny and sharp, and picks him up so they can get all rearranged on the couch.

It’s amazing that Zack can be so casual about laying on his side, half propped up, and with one long leg thrown up over the back of the couch. Cloud sucks on his fingers and feels Zack mimic the motion. But-fuck-it’s just not enough. Zack’s eyes all but glitter at him, watching as he reaches with hand shaking. Things are all kinds of slick there already, the way the couch is sort of damp.

Zack takes the two tentacles out of his mouth and licks his lips.

“Come on Cloud,” he says. “You can’t be nervous about this.”

And that just makes it worse, because he shouldn’t be nervous about this. He’s desperately horny and he wants to fuck Zack, even though he totally couldn’t say it all the way. But Zack got it anyway and Zack wants it too. Yet, all he can think is the fact that he’s got at least twenty new limbs and he’s still smaller than Zack. There’s just so much wrong with this, and he still wants it. He just can’t move until too many awkward seconds have ticked on by.


Zack grabs his wrist, where the spit has already dried. He kisses the fingertips and then sucks them in up to the largest knuckle. His lips are soft and hot, scraped raw from all that work. The inside of his mouth is so much wetter than it should be, that realization dries out the back of Cloud’s throat so fast his head spins. Zack’s lower lip brushes Cloud’s palm. He can feel the empty space at the back of Zack’s throat, the way air breezes past his fingers when Zack takes even breaths through his nose. His fingers are dripping already, but he lifts his hand, tastes a bit of Zack’s spit and the extra bitter taste of himself in it. He adds his saliva to the mix.

His hand is shaking even worse now, but he presses just slightly in with the tips of two fingers. There’s give. Zack must want this.

“Ah! No!” Zack moans out. “You can’t! That’s dirty!”

Cloud chokes on laughter and his fingers slide in faster than he’d meant them too. It’s hot and so tight that it’s crushing the bones of his fingers together. Zack starts laughing, even though he’s breathless and flushed. Cloud glares, stuffng a tentacle into his wide-open mouth. Zack grins around it and the vibration of his bottled up laughter makes electricity shiver up Cloud’s spine.

He works his fingers in and out until things loosen up enough that his fingers aren’t being totally crushed. He hopes thatt’s enough, because by now he needs it so bad he can’t wait.

“I,” Cloud starts. “Are you ready?”

With his mouth full of tentacles, full of Cloud, Zack nods his head emphatically. He bucks his hips, so much broader than Cloud’s, as best he can with tentacles wrapped around his thighs, his belly, and everything in between.

Cloud sits back and unwinds his new limbs just a little so he can see what he’s doing. There’s a click in his wrist when he pulls his fingers out and wipes them on the couch upholstery. He watches Zack’s face and the space where he both has to think quite hard and not at all to direct a tentacle until it’s lined up perfectly with that puckered hole.

He swallows when he realizes he can’t breathe. Cloud’s tentacle slides in rather easily, feeling like it’s going so far, so fast. Zack arches so hard that it nearly knocks them both off the couch. His leg comes crashing down off the back of the couch onto Cloud’s shoulder.

It’s heavy and Cloud’s instinct is to lean into it, have it carry his weight, instead of him having to carry it. And holy shit he never knew Zack was quite that flexible. His leg goes up against his side becoming the only thing that keeps Cloud from being nearly chest to chest with him. Cloud kisses Zack’s face and feels all of himself reaching out and wrapping around powerful calves and thighs that are tight with excitement. He can feel how hard Zack’s gotten and how much bigger that makes him, even, than usual. He realizes that he’s somehow slipped another tentacle deep into Zack and he winces in sympathy.

“Sorry,” he says. Then things like “Fuck” and “It feels good.” Zack moans, real moans that rumble deep in his chest and make him sound like some kind of masculine sex god, not that anyone could ever tell him that because it would go to his head.

It’s so much harder to get off like this, Cloud realizes, because Zack is obviously holding back and trying to make things last. Zack is always the one who has to keep going after Cloud’s gotten off already. Then he feels it, tight behind his eyes and threatening at the tip of every tentacle. He’s going to come. Buried in Zack’s mouth, inside Zack, and sliding against the insides of Zack’s legs and all the other creases and crevices of his sweat-slippery body, he’s going to-yes, he’s going to… Yes, there it is.

He clamps down convulsively on some noise he never quite hears, because his brain goes all white noise-white lights-white heat. Then he sees spots of color swimming in his vision. He twitches, he shakes. Zack stops holding back after that, having waited for him. He sucks hard on the tentacle in his mouth and orgasms so hard that they do actually fall off the couch.

They’re a big messy pile of bodily fluids, Cloud realizes, and the couch will never recover. In fact, the carpet’s probably going to get a weird spot right where he’s laying, because the berber is sticking to him in strangely intimate, sticky places. His tentacle slips out of Zack’s mouth and then Zack is kissing him, mouth still wet and bitter with Cloud’s own taste. He feels even more like a limp noodle than usual, but Zack gathers all of him up and clings to him through the shivery aftershocks.

“I think we ruined your couch,” Cloud murmurs. Zack makes frustrated noises.

“Fuck the couch.”

fandom: ffvii, character: cloud, character: zack, genre: porn, fanfic, genre: humor, rating: nc-17

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