It's True What They Say - Axel/Roxas - NC-17

Feb 08, 2008 06:46

Title: It's True What They Say
Fandom: KH2 (set in the CoM-358/2 timeline)
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 3282
Disclaimer: Disney, Square Enix, and Nomura own all.

Summary: Roxas's got big feet.

Warnings: Explicit male on male sexuality. Foot fetish. One character arguably underage.

It was not easy navigating a friendship without the beneficial compass of emotions. Was it okay to watch friends sleep? Axel honestly didn’t know, it wasn’t as if he had had friends like Roxas when he had… not been Axel, but instead that other person who was quite dead now and better not mentioned at all really.

All Axel knew was that this was the only time Roxas wasn’t likely to protest if he stared or if he read a book rather than make with the witty conversation and the ice cream already. It also soothed something frenetic and destructive deep down in Axel’s… Soul, maybe?

So here he was, leather bound tome in hand. Sleep didn’t suit him personally, but maybe he’d doze off a few times in the comfy chair that Roxas had liberated off some dying planet and brought back as if he wanted Axel to sit here and watch him sleep. He already felt calm enough to read without stopping to wish death on his assorted colleagues. That was… nice?

But Roxas was far more interesting than the book after a while. First of all, he had pajamas! Axel did not have pajamas, though he probably could if he wanted to. Roxas were blue and white as far as Axel could see with a star pattern making up the hem between sleeve and torso. Cute.

“Cute,” Axel found himself sounding the word out. Roxas twitched and sat up on his side. He blinked blearily at Axel for a moment.

“Oh, it’s just you,” he said, then rolled over. The back of his head was kind of fluffy and mussed from his pillow, but less interesting than Axel’s book.

“I can’t sleep now,” Roxas said after a while of lying on his side away from Axel.

“M’sorry, Princess,” Axel muttered.

“Shut up,” Roxas told him and punched him in the shoulder. Axel felt he should have been startled or unnerved by how Roxas had gotten into his space so quickly and without notice. But he didn’t feel, and Roxas was sort of cute with circles under his eyes. Axel looked at him and grinned.

“You’re not sorry,” Roxas pouted.

“Yeah, not really,” Axel agreed with him and shut his book. “Sooo, whatdya wanna do?”

“Sleep,” Roxas growled.

“Other than that.”

“I dunno.”

“Kill heartless?”




“Pester Demyx?”




“Go pick up some ten munny hookers and cheap booze and get plastered on the Organization’s credit line?”

Roxas just looked at him in that way that said he’d be pissed if he wasn’t trying so damn hard not to laugh at Axel’s jokes.

“Let’s go get some coffee,” Roxas finally said, making the decision for both of them.

“You can’t go like that,” Axel pointed out.

“I know.”

And maybe it was not in the course of friendship to watch your friends strip out of their pajamas an arm’s length away and then wander around mostly naked looking for their coat. But Axel had never really had friends and Roxas didn’t remember anything about frienship. They were both just winging it, and winging it meant some periodic nonsexual nudity.

“Quit staring,” Roxas did say after a while so Axel turned to his book. It wasn’t the nudity, really, Roxas always said that. Axel wouldn’t be a spy worth his salt, though, if he couldn’t stare at someone without staring at them.

Then, suddenly, as Roxas was hiking up his black pants and unlacing his boots…

“Your feet really are that big!!” Axel yelped and jerked his head up so he could stop straining his eyes. Roxas paused with one large foot on his knee and a boot hanging by its laces from his hand.

“Yeah, so?” his look seemed to say.

“I thought I told you to quit staring,” Roxas deadpanned.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, whatever, got it memorized? Your feet are like… like… huge!”

“You’ve seen my shoes,” Roxas pointed out, trying to shrug it off.

“Yeah, but I just figured you stuffed them or something,” Axel admitted. “I didn’t think you had feet bigger than your head.”

Roxas looked at him, obviously exasperated and sleep deprived.

“I’m totally serious.” And then Axel was yanking his own boots off and walking barefoot over to the edge of the bed. Graceful as a crane he lifted one foot and pressed it against Roxas’s. It was roughly half the size and width.

“You make it seem weird,” Roxas complained.

“Because it is!” Axel said, unthinkingly… Or maybe unfeelingly. Because Roxas took offense and pulled away from the point of contact between their soles.

“I don’t need anything else to make me feel like a freak among freaks,” Roxas muttered.

“Wait, wait,” Axel shook his head. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You think this is a bad thing? You’ve got the Keyblade, no pesky memories dictating your character, and the biggest fucking feet I’ve seen in all my lives.”

“I have no idea how my feet being big is a good thing,” Roxas replied, obviously and interestinglyfascinatinglyobsessingly sullen.

“Well, you obviously don’t know what they say about big feet,” Axel drawled, putting a hand on his hip.

“Why would I,” Roxas snapped back. Axel just laughed, a nasal thing with a few snorts that he only let out around Roxas. Roxas held in a laugh at the first snort, but at the second he let out a bark of laughter that was like and explosion. Then they were both totally gone to the hysteria of it all: Nobodies laughing. How hilarious!

“So are you going to tell me?” Roxas asked.

“What?” Axel said, shaking the burst of playacting that hadn’t… really… well… it had to be, right?

“What they say about big feet,” Roxas reminded him.

“Oh, it’s just an urban legend,” Axel shrugged it off.

“Hey! No! Tell me.” The way Roxas bared his teeth, like an animal, for a threat made Axel spit it out.

“Means you’ve got a big dick,” just fell out of his mouth, really. Automatic trained response to the potential threat of Keyblade to the kneecaps.

“Ew!” Roxas reacted automatically, making a face of utter horror. “Why would people say that!”

“Cause it’s a good thing,” Axel shrugged. “Size matters. Got it memorized?”

“I thought that was about height,” Roxas said, still stricken.

“Nope,” Axel smirked. “It’s about the size of your-”

“Well, you’ve seen mine,” Roxas said. “It’s not that big.”

“It’s not about the size when it’s all soft,” Axel explained. “It’s about how big your dick is when it’s hard and I’ve never seen you like that.”

Roxas was turning kind of maroon with a blush Axel was not sure until this moment Nobodies could achieve. Everyone else seemed so appropriately blithe and blasé about things that caused flushes and other facial features. Embarrassment was an emotion for real people. But Roxas did a very convincing imitation.

“I don’t want to get coffee anymore,” he said.

“Okay,” Axel shrugged and went back to read his book, setting his boots aside and sprawling out in the comfy chair. One bare foot up on the armrest and the other slide a foot and a half away on the ground.

Out of the corner of his eye he watched the near purple flush drain out of Roxas’s pale face. He took off his coat and shirt then furitively turned away as he took off his pants again. He crawled back into his pajamas and then into bed. Some flopping uncomfortably around like a tornado tearing through grain fields or a dying fish on a carpet, then Roxas was out of bed again and searching the room for something to read in all the clutter of the things he collected obsessively in place of the memories he’d lost. Once he was laying in bed and reading though, Axel let himself get bored and focus on his own reading.

A while later he had to look again.

“Are they really the biggest you’ve ever seen?” Roxas asked. Axel peered at him, he had his feet up in the air over his head, bracing his thighs with his hands and just looking.

Very decidedly, Axel closed his book and set it aside, striding over and grabbing the left one by the big toe. He yanked it down, not without some protesting and holding the toe in one hand and cupping the heel with the other he looked at it from all angles. He could catch Roxas’s wry look out of the corners of his eyes. He let go of the toe and the hell and readjusted his hands so he could dig both thumbs into that point in the arch that hurt everyone all the time. It took both thumbs.

“Definitely the biggest I’ve ever seen,” Axel told him.

“Ah!” Roxas said, letting go a little smile, which Axel snatched up with his mind and packed away as a memory to keep forever.

Axel came to sit cross-legged on his bare feet, his coat spilling out all around him. He cradled Roxas’s foot in his lap and carefully worked his way down the arch. Roxas seemed to really appreciate him working out the knot that was right below the joint of the great toe, so Axel massaged every joint and slowly coaxed Roxas to move his toes a bit. It was probably a bit of a tight fit in the black nonregulation boots. Axel’s certainly brushed all edges of his toes. He ran his gloved finger tips down Roxas feet and then massaged his ankles with tight circular motions.

“Switching feet,” Axel warned. And like a weight, Roxas dropped his right foot into Axel’s lap as well. As a pair, they were even more impressive. Axel took a moment and then set the left aside and did everything he had to that one to the right foot. When he’d exhausted his knowledge of the fine art of giant foot massage, Axel took a moment just to stare while Roxas was distracted in good physical feeling.

“Don’t stop.”

“Got it,” Axel said, and he slouched forward so that his words were a breeze between Roxas’s relaxed toes.

“Whoa! That tickled!” Roxas said.

“In a bad way?”

“Well, no?”

“Good to know,” Axel said and before he’d even finished that really he’d pressed his lips to the sore spot right beneath the ball of Roxas’s foot. He’d meant for it to be chaste, because who the fuck even knows what was on the floor in here or any other place Roxas’s feet had been. Also, that was pretty much guaranteed to be weird and outside the bounds prescribed by friendship.

But, really, sometimes, Axel couldn’t help himself and so he opened his mouth just a bit and pressed a bit of his tongue to the spot and sucked.


And he was giving hard open-mouthed kisses all the way down Roxas’s arch and then pressing them lightly to the heel. He licked his own dry lips and then ran the point of his tongue up the middle of Roxas’s foot, watching the way it made it his toes curl.

Of course, with toes curled, it meant that Roxas’s second toe hooked and caught Axel’s lower lip giving him pause. He picked the other one though, the great toe because Roxas’s was so thick and straight in comparison to Axel’s own scrawny crooked feet. It was probably a good four times bigger than Roxas’s thumb and it didn’t quite fill Axel’s mouth, but it was so much bigger than he thought of toes as being.

“Ah, Axel you don’t have to-” Roxas gasped out.

“Hmmmm?” Axel asked around the girth of Roxas’s toe. He looked up at Roxas, who at the moment looked down at him with big, wide blue eyes and a nice pink flush in his cheeks. Axel sucked harder. He seemed to have won this argument. When he felt he was finished there he let go with a pop of suction breaking and ran his tongue over and between all the rest of Roxas’s toes only stopping to take the smallest at the end into his mouth as well. Even that one was bigger around than Axel’s fingers.

He pulled Roxas’s foot into a point and kissed the top with tenderness he hadn’t known he had. And then, “switching feet” earned him a stifled groan.

He started at Roxas’s toes this time, with the smallest, and worked his way up to the great toe each a bit bigger than the last, but that one being a shocking jump in sizes to his tongue that got pressed flat in his mouth. On a whim, he swirled his tongue around it as if it was, well, not a toe, and he liked that so he did it a few more times before pulling away and kissing-sucking his way down Roxas’s left foot. He nipped the thick skin of Roxas’s heels and with a last flourish dragged the flat of his tongue up the long, long arch of it. Roxas’s was shaking where Axel cupped his ankle to support it. The way his toes curled they brushed Axel’s cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

“Did you like it?” Axel wanted to ask, needing some kind of assurance or validation that he hadn’t fucked this up. Friendship was a lot harder than political machination.

Instead he looked up for Roxas’s eyes and they were tight shut, the pink still in his cheeks. He had two hands over his crotch and he was so tense he was shaking.

“Sorry,” Axel said.

“You never mean that,” Roxas gritted out. He sat up and yanked the pillow from under his head. He shoved it into his own lap and kept it there. He looked angry and flushed and nervous. Which was kind of impressive, Axel’s best mix so far had been anger, disappointment, and something deeply sinister that he thought of as ‘plotting.’ And he actually practiced facial expressions, because they disarmed his co-workers so well.

“This time I kind of do?” Axel pushed.

“Roxas,” he sounded out carefully. “I’m sorry.” And he was because neither of them knew where these lines were-about friendship and feelings and seniority and working relationships and duty and goals-that they weren’t supposed to cross. And when they did accidentally it always fucked things up pretty royally.

“You should go,” Roxas said, smoothing his face into something unresponsive but still flushed. And maybe he should have, but he didn’t. He leaned forward a little, because Roxas’s eyes were so wide even when he had ironed the expression out of his face, and his cheeks all pink and his mouth all dark. And Roxas leaned forward over the pillow and then their lips touched and it was like a spark that set a forest fire. Roxas wove bare fingers into his hair and Axel reached up and lightly touched the corner of Roxas’s jaw. Their tongues were in each other’s mouth, though Roxas dominated the kiss, of course. But not for lack of trying on Axel’s part. Finally they stilled and awkwardly, jerkily pulled away.

“You taste like feet,” Roxas complained, making a face.

“Well, duh,” Axel laughed. Then he carved a wicked, untrustworthy smirk across his face.

“Want to know if it’s true what they say, Roxas?” he asked, low and drawled out till the end of Roxas’s name was a hiss. He set a black gloved hand against the white pillow in the boy’s lap. Roxas shivered and stared.

“There’s something wrong with you,” he decided.

“Probably is,” Axel agreed. “But y’wanna, Roxas? Do you?”

He pulled the pillow out from under Axel’s hand.

By feel alone, Roxas’s hard-on was the length of Axel’s hand, if slightly longer. The best thing about it was that it was so hot to the touch, encouraging Axel to rub the heel of his hand up and down its length. Roxas’s shivering seemed to stop, but Axel could feel the way he moved his hips, probably less than he thought Axel would notice, or less than he even noticed. Roxas’s sleep shorts had an elastic waistband and Axel didn’t feel at all guilty that the kid wore briefs when he slept, white with blue elastic, really something a kid would wear. Bony, skinny boy hips made a pelvis probably half the size of Axel’s own. He ran fingertips down Roxas’s tight stomach muscles, feeling the slide of skin over muscle.

Then he finally wrapped his hand around Roxas’s dick and was sort of relieved that his finger tips could reach his thumb… sort of. He cursed.

“So, is it true what they say, Axel?” Roxas asked, all breathy but still proving that he could keep his head. It was sort of a taunt.

“Yeah,” he agreed, pulling his eyes away from Roxas’s face to finally look. “Yeeeeah, it is.”

And then he hoped it was too fast to be expected when he dropped his head and opened his mouth around the head.
“Oh, fuck,” Roxas got out. He bucked his hips up into the receptive wet heat of Axel’s mouth. Oh yes, that had definitely been unexpected.

Axel kept one hand around the based, tight and moved it sometimes to meet his mouth. It stretched his jaw and flatted his tongue into its place, and Axel figured he could probably like this. Especially when the taste across his tongue coming from the back of his mouth was so salty-sweet. Roxas’s hips really set the pace for him, and Axel went along with that. Axel ignored the monotony, his gag reflex, and his own hard-on. He focused on how much of Roxas’s cock he could actually fit down his throat, and the shocked or pleased groans and heavy breathing.

“Ah, Axel, I think-I think I’m gonna,” Roxas panted out in just about the short period of time Axel had expected. Axel made a point to start swallowing before there was really anything to swallow, but he still felt damn overwhelmed by the amount. It flooded his mouth, bitter-salty-sweet, and leaked out the stretched corners of his mouth.

Immediately, Axel could feel the size decrease and he made a point to lick the drops he’d lost off of Roxas’s sensitive skin. By the time he pulled away, it was the unassuming and foreskinned thing that Axel was used to seeing, if a little more pink and swollen. Roxas pulled his shorts and underwear back up and leaned in to kiss Axel’s swollen mouth.

“Now you taste like feet and dick,” Roxas told him.

“I’m so flattered.”

“You should be,” Roxas got out before he yawned so big and so close to Axel’s face that he could see the boy’s uvula. The dark circles under his eyes were ridiculous when Roxas had his eyes half-lidded the way he did.

“You look wiped out, Roxas,” Axel told him, fluffing his pillow-mated blond hair. “Go to sleep.”

“But what about you?” Roxas asked, sleepy and small. Axel’s mind provided him a beautiful image of Roxas’s blue eyes peering up from above the red wiry hairs at his own groin. Maybe some other time, though it was unlikely there’d ever be another time.

“Don’t worry about me,” Axel scoffed. “I’m tired too.”

“Oh, okay.” And then Roxas fell back, tucking the pillow beneath his head and was out like a light. Axel stayed for a while on the bed, till he realized his hard-on wasn’t going to go away on its own. He sighed and got out Roxas’s bed. But only so he could go to the comfy chair. There he slouched back, unzipped his fly, and turned his head to look at Roxas.

character: axel, genre: porn, fanfic, fandom: kh, character: roxas, genre: humor, rating: nc-17

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