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calico_reaction April 28 2012, 01:50:26 UTC
Benighted is awesome. It takes urban fantasy and rather turns the conventions on their heads. :)

Glad you enjoyed this! If I don't add your review to mine, please remind me to do so.


intoyourlungs April 29 2012, 02:40:25 UTC
I'm so excited to read it! Who knows when that will be though..

And I'll definitely be on the look out. :) I can't wait to read your review.


calico_reaction April 29 2012, 02:42:27 UTC
Hoping to write up the review tomorrow and have it go live on Monday.

BTW: I'm putting up a post about urban fantasy that I think you'll find interesting... it goes live at midnight, EST!

Also, understand about the TBR. There's so many books I want to read, but it's getting harder and harder to justify purchases when I've got SUCH a huge stack waiting on me...


intoyourlungs April 29 2012, 02:47:09 UTC
Ooouuu, I guess that's your Sunday Update/Discussion-y post, right? I'll definitely check it out.

Ugh, yes, it's so frustrating! I've been trying reallyyyy hard to ween my TBR pile, especially now that I'm finally done school, but I also want to read shiny new releases. I've actually taken to doing very similar to what you're doing: I'll read one old purchase, then read something from a series (so Sookie Stackhouse for right now) and then I'll usually borrow a 2012 release I want to read from work. It's slowing down my TBR progress, but I'm tired of missing out on pretty new releases because I feel guilty about my TBR pile. It means I'm still missing out on older stuff I want to read though. :( There are just too many books.


calico_reaction April 29 2012, 03:01:56 UTC
It sure is!

Personally, I'm trying to limit myself to the new releases that I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I want to read ASAP. If I don't want to read it RIGHT away, then I can wait a few months, you know?


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