whiLe everyone enjoyed being snowed in...

Jan 24, 2005 14:51

.. i had to work 8-630. Let me teLL you it was bad. ok so in the begining it wasn*t bad at aLL. the "skeLeton crew" consisted of me, racheL, my mom, hermania (who Left us and made us have NO BAGGERS) matthew, nichoLas, mike ryan, freddy, frankie, some baker lady, a kitchen Lady and aLLison khols. (murLey came in Later on in the afternoon.. Lazy ass). ok sooo the begining of the day there weren*t too many idiot cusomers. so me and racheL threw a Lemon around.. highLight, racheL hits it with a mop Like a bat... and it goes over into the next aisle. i nearLy peed myseLf. then when she threw it and it hit the "street signs" or the aisle marker things. LoL..

ok so the snow sLows down.. and tons of ppL are coming in Like ppL waLkin, and ppL in trucks.. and then soon the employees were out numbered by customers.. and since there was only two registers open and no bagger there were Lines.. it was horribLe and wicked sad at the same time cuz ppL came in to get LOBSTERS Like they REALLY needed them for the snow storm. and they wouLd get one or two things they couLd Live without. i was so angry go HOME! thank god for matt and nick they bagged for us.. haha nick being there was pretty cooL it was Like oLd times when he worked there. haha stupid acton stoLe him.

but the stupid supervisors toLd us we HAD to stay open tiL 9. i mean honestLy it was unessessary. we didn*t need to be open tiL that Late. it was retarded thank god me and racheL got to Leave at 630. poor matt and frank got to be on register for us. LoL. idk it was a pointLess thing to do.. we shouLdn*t have opened reaLLy. but it*s ok my check is gonna be ALOT!

ok that*s it just thought i wouLd update about that event... cuz it wasn*t sLow and we didn*t do NOTHiNG aLL day Like i thought we were gonna, or Like ppL think we did.

xo TiFFaNy <3
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