Jun 11, 2006 17:54
Wow....I totally forgot I had a live journal. Anyway....It's been a long time since i've posted to heres a recent update on my life: Still liveing at home at Kahalu, it's pretty nice down here so I think i'm going to stay awhile. I work as a security guard for Janguard Inc. It's pretty good work and It pay's well...sadly my boss is a asshole and the long hours are killer. Things are going well I suppose, i'm currently just bideing my time until I can get my own place or get a new car. ( I still need a license! ). Since the last post I put in my LJ was about me getting my arm examined i'll give you a update. I had nerve damage in my left hand and I had to go into surgery. They cut the Alner nerve from my funnybone and moved it up...soo...I got another wicked scar to my collection. Got feeling in my hand back though! yay!
So...I don't know if anyone still checks this LJ, but to all who still do: 1-808-990-0661 Gimme a shout now and again.