
Oct 22, 2011 20:24

Rules are simple:

1. The character must be intoxicated with something. (love potion, drunk to much, etc...)

2. This community accepts all (Het, slash, femmeslash, gen, incest, twincest)

3. This community accepts all medium (fanvideo, fics, art, and etc...) Questions? Email or pm.

4. This community doesn't accept sex with minors, that means all people in the stories must be of legal age.

5. Please! And this rules is very important tag correctly. Need a tag? Email me or pm.
(example: Pairing:Hermione/Draco,warning:violence,etc...)

6. Please be respectful and no flames or you'll be kicked out.

7. Have fun being intoxicated...oops, sorry meant to say getting intoxicated, or was it just drunk *shrugs* well no matter how you wish it, just have fun. 


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