10 years ago: November 1995
How old were you? 7
What grade were you in? First
Where did you go to school? Boise Elliot Elementary
Where did you work? … I danced!
Where did you live? Portland, Oregon
Where did you hang out? At home! Friends houses - where else do you hang out when you are 7!?
How was your hair style? About shoulder length, boring
Who was your best friend? Zoe and Ashley
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? Um.. either Jake, or Seth, or Will depending on who I wasn’t mad at, at the time.
Who was your celebrity crush? I don’t think I liked boys yet
Who was your regular-person crushes? See before listed boys!
Were you a virgin? WHEN I WAS 7!!!! YES! Eww!
How many piercings did you have? NONE!
How many tattoos did you have? none
What was your favorite band? Whatever my parents were listening to..
What was your biggest fear? The dark, and being alone
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? Heck no!
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? No
Had you driven yet? No! you crazy people!
5 years ago... November 2000
How old were you? 12
What grade were you in? 6th
Where did you go to school? Part of the year was at EMS… then sonoran trails
Where did you work? Still danced
Where did you live? Scottsdale, Arizona
Where did you hang out? My empty house…
How was your hair style? Lame.. short..
Who was your best friend? Zoe - then Tara
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? Sam Ville! - Tara broke us up because he was scared of me Who was your celebrity crush? I don’t remember.. Some one in Nsync?!
Who was your regular-person crushes? Don’t remember…
Were you a virgin? Yep!
How many piercings did you have? None
How many tattoos did you have? None
What was your favorite band/singer? Something lame…
What was your biggest fear? Same.. being alone
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? no
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? No
Had you driven yet? No!
How old are you? 17
What’s your educational status? Junior
Where do you go to school? CSHS
Where do you work? Dance…
Where do you live? Scottsdale, Arizona
Where do you hang out? Dance.. movies, friends, home! How is your hair style? Short! I whacked off 10 inches!
Do you wear braces? nope
Do you wear glasses? Sometimes … when I am not wearing my contacts
Who is your best friend? Krystal, Tara, Josselyn,… Taylor! Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? no one! I am single! Who is your celebrity crush? I don’t know if I have one…
How many piercings do you have? Two… ears
What is your favorite band? Ummm too many! I like everything I listen to! What is your biggest fear? Being alone.. and screwing up other people, and that my dancing wont go anywhere…
Have you gotten drunk or high yet? yes.. i have…
Have you driven yet? Uh, yes.
Are you happy with your life? Most of the time!
I hate that I can't hate him! - he drives me nuts, and I let him.. Because the last thing I want to do is hurt him.. Why doesn't he understand that! ...
On the plus side! I dont have to go to dance tomorrow!, or Thursday, or Saturday! Sleepy time!
Lets also hope that I still have a voice tomorrow morning!