(No offense to any Tales fans but I couldn't think of anything else to put here)
The more personal/touchy stuff in my journal will get marked friends-only. You can still see my writing (etc), but to see my actual journal posts you'll need to be my friend. You should know the drill by now.
Post here with how you found my LJ, what we have in common, etc. Thank you!
Fandoms: Homestuck, Pokemon (games only), MOTHER/Earthbound, Shin Megami Tensei
OTP: Porky/Ness
Hobbies: Writing, pixel art, monster design, game design, sewing, music
Current MMORPG: Rift
My real name is Emma but I go by the extremely wapanese name of "Seika". Blame an old friend.
I'm autistic, bisexual, bigender, a shotacon, and a hipster.
I go by the aliases of Medical Meccanica, Masquerain, Kalanemi, Kyriaki, Tarenken, Mojanbo, and Rashoumon.
I figure if you found me somewhere you don't need a huge explanation about me. Go ahead and comment.