Jan 01, 2012 20:21

Instead of doing recaps~ i'll save those for when I am not on Sally's laptop while she naps~

Top 5 shows of the year? (in no particular order!)
01. Denver Alkaline Trio. That one is tops. It was so good, from the show it's self to everything that happened afterwards. Matt's mic equipment not working ended up being amazing, we sang the songs instead and he just smiled at us and had all the emotions up on stage. Then was a happy-feely drunk who kissed me on the neck later after the show. Favourite Human.
02. Alkaline Trio in Seattle. From the Smoking Popes Shenanigans to Matt kissing my cheek in the middle of the show. <3 It was just a gooooood time.
03. Thursday's last show in Philly the other night. Phenomenal. Emotional. Beautiful. I had wet eyes the whole time but the last song, Turnpike Divides, had me ugly sobbing. An experience that was once in a lifetime.
04. Cancer Bats in Colorado Springs. Sometimes you just need to scream and thrash around. And getting to scream into the mic during my fave song was cool too.
05. Second night of My Chemical Romance in Jersey. Our Lady Of Sorrows cured my headache and the Diner experience afterwards <3

Total number of shows?
22 :)

First show of the year?
CANCER BATS. It was cold as balls but I had ALL the fun. Liam was so nice and played the song I wanted and I got to scream into the mic. Good times

Last show of the year?
The last Thursday show in the US in Philly. Sob. I have so much to say about it that I will wait for the recap but. Man. What a night.

Most surprising show?
None were that surprising. Maybe the Thursday show and the Bouncing Souls, since the tickets were gifts...

Most disappointing?
The MCR Honda Civic date i missed because I had strep throat for the 3rd time. Or MCR in Vegas because I was eye-level with the lights and had to watch a small screen. I still had a blast though.

Farthest traveled?
I went to both sides of the country this year. But most distance covered in one day was Woodbridge - Newark - Philly - Newark - NYC - Washington DC. Fucking insane. Fucking rental car companies.

States attended shows in?
Colorado, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, DC, Oregon, Washington, Nevada

Venue most visited?
Summit Music Hall in Denver, CO. Then like, Starland Ballroom, I think. Probably The Fillmore in Denver as well.

Worst injury?
It was all just bumps and bruises, really. And pit plagues, hehe.

Most expensive ticket?
Honda Civic. And I didn't even go~ And I didnt get money for letting people use my ticket. Whatevs.

Band seen the most?
My Chemical Romance - 9
Alkaline Trio - 5
Thursday - 7

Best new discovery?
Thursday, Neon Trees, Make Do And Mend, Aficionado, Screaming Females, The Drowning men, This Good Robot, and so many more....

Bands seen this year that also broke up this year?
Thursday and Drive A.

Friends at shows?
Oh lots. Went to shows with Alex, Marie, Sam, my sister. I met an ASSLOAD of people though. Sally, Mel, Megs, Nini, Bethanie, Maria, Lars, Blayne, and more I am sure I am missing. FORGOTTEN BUT STILL LOVED I PROMISE i am just tired :(

Band members met?
- The guys of Thursday. They are SERIOUSLY the nicest dudes ever. I can't even deal with it.
- My Chem in one fell swoop! Then Mikey and Frank again later who were both delightful <3
- Tyler Glenn
- The Architect guys <3
- Make Do And Mend <3
- Aficionado
- Liam Cormier
- Blitzkid
And then I got to hang out with Alkaline Trio and Drive A again <3

Best souvenir from a show?
The pick that Matt Skiba had delivered for me. <3 Hands down. I got a lot of neat things but that one wins.

Longest time in line?
Ummm...16 hrs? Definitely the wait for MCR in Portland. Holy crap.

Shows seen from the barricade [front row]
Less then you'd think. I stay in the back when i go to shows with alex, usually!

Most shows in one week?
Four, I think.

Most shows in one month?
Five in May

Biggest crowd?
Maybe MCR in Vegas...

Any drunk encounters?
Drunk and happy and loving Matt Skiba. None more needs to be said.

Top 5 worst 2011 concert moments: (no order)
01. Portland MCR. Haley passed out, I almost did, the rain and cold afterward when NO CABS WOULD PICK US UP, i lost the pick Melissa grabbed for me, giant bruises from being pulled out
02. Kicked on the top of the head during ALK3 in NYC
03. Being so fucking sick during MCR in Denver. World's worst cold, homg.
04. Having to sit through a bunch of bands i morally oppose for Drive A's sake. that's one thing I wont miss about them, baww.
05. Missing MCR because of strep throat. ugh.

Top five 2011 concert moments: (no order)
01. MATT SKIBA. He is my favourite moment lol. From the cheek kisses during and after the shows to the skanking on stage, to him telling me he noticed me at ALL the shows and how he told Mel and Sally I am sweet. And him BEARHUGGING Mel. He is my favourite EVERYTHING.
02. Not that this one is very pleasant, but it's beautiful and moving: Every time Geoff got choked up during the last show. Just to see that it was just as hard for him as it was for us was incredible. And when he and Lukas got all huggy. ALL THE HUGGING. THE WHOLE SHOW. Thursday ;;
03. Getting to scream into the mic during Cancer Bats. Epic.
04. Argyle Goolsby pole-dancing during 'Nosferatu' during the Blitzkid show. OlololoLol
05. Me, Mel, and Sally being this huddled mass of feelings against the stage at the New Haven Thursday show during 'Stay True'. <3

OKAY that's it then I suppose~ Sally is awake from her nap, so ya'll will just have to wait until i get internet to hear about things like my apartment and the shows and visiting i just did lol. /priorities~~

concert stuff, meme

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