(no subject)

Jul 24, 2011 00:11

SOOooo. Alkaline Trio reports time!

Alkaline Trio, Summit Music Hall, Denver CO, Monday 11 July 2011
(i have concerned eyebrows and boobs EVERYWHERE lol)

Ok so, i stayed with Alex (my friend Jennifer, it's just that she wishes to go by Alex now so that's what i call her now :D) before the show and up until i had to leave and it was amazing fun like always and osijfodnf so sad i wont be able to move in with her :(

but. I did my hair at her apartment. I did the bleach the night before (at least made my roots lighter, they were still golden) and did the purple the morning of the show haha. But here is a picture of me as SUPER BLONDE. It still had some pink in it and looked awesome, I just DO NOT make a good blonde lol.


So it was a bit of a busy morning and i was running at like 105 mph but i dyed my hair and got ready and even did my makeup that day (which made me so self conscious, idek) and did my nails and followed Alex around like o_____o ARE YOU READY TO GO YET o______o

so we took the bus down to the venue at about 9~ am-ish and I met my tumblr friend Heather down there. We hung out at the Denver MCR show (which i never wrote about, unfortunately) so it was awesome to see her again and not be as sick as a dog. We listened to Alkaline Trio, i told her and her twin my alk3 stories, and we giggled a looot.

About 10, we see this guy come out from where the bus is and he has a little bald spot on the back of his head and tattoos on his arm and heather and i look at each other like O____O IS THAT DEREK?! and it ended up being Derek! He went to Starbucks to get coffee! He came over to say hi, was very happily surprised to see us out there waiting, and was happy to see me :) He went back to the bus after a short moment though, because he wanted a nap lol.

so heather and i were still 'dsifjoiudfhndf'ing when all of a sudden heather pops up like a meerkat and goes MATT then smacks her hands over her mouth. It was because Matt Skiba was on a bicycle, a fixy of course, and was wearing all black (and aviators) with lime green socks ahaha. he didnt say anything but he rode off into the distance and we were like LOL SOCKS. Then when he came back with his coffee, he sneezed and we were like LOL HE SNEEZED OMG and sent him tweets that said 'bless you' because we're all clever.

Then later on in the day, Heather and I were walking back from a 7-11 bathroom trip (cleanest convenience store ever, holy shit) and we walked past Dan! We waved and said hello and he waved and smiled and said hello back. We managed to save our giggles until we got back in line though! It was really awesome we had a chance to see the guys before the show (even if all we did with matt was creep on him a little. oops?)

We took some photos to pass the time! Most of the day was pretty fast but about 1:45 to 3:00 dragged by SO SLOW. Idk why just that time but we were doing anything we could think of to make time pass!

hellooo heather!


Alex said that Heather didn't look excited enough (and cut out my lunge pose so i just look weird in these lol) so we had to take another XD

and so this one we're like :DDDDDDDDDDDDD lol :D

After i got my tickets from will-call. This is when time started going FAST thank goodness because were were all super fucking excited again :D :D :D :D

So about 15 minutes before doors, it started downpouring. It was cold and wet and i was under the only bit over overhang because my hair would have ran everywhere and badness would have happened. But this lady came up and she was crying and begging for some help because she left her wallet somewhere and it had all of her stuff in it and she just needed gas money enough to go pick up her son from daycare. Nobody was helping and she was crying and all i had were 20s but if i was in that situation, i would hope that someone would be that kind so i just gave her a 20 and told her not to worry about it when she said she wanted my address so she could pay me back.

It was kind of ouch monetarily (especially after seattle fucking GOUGED us on cab fare) but it made me feel good and i think it gave me a giant karma boost because the night ended up being AMAZING.

So I was the first person in the door, so i turned around and gave Alex my hoodie and just strolled straight up to barricade right where matt would be (can i also mention that we were the line until about 1 pm? yeah. so unlike mcr.) and waited for my friends to join me. While I was turned to my left talking to a girl named Brittany, this security guy comes up and palms me something. I open up my hand and look down and there is an orange guitar pick in my hand o____o

I puzzled over it for a moment and looked over at where he came from and saw that the security dude was talking to someone that was hidden and then i turned the pick over and it says 'skeebzy-duz-it' and i flipped out. OH MY GOD.



Brittany holding the pick in the light so i could take a pic of it. OMG. I am still in shock o____o

Us! There's Erin, Heather, Me, Brittany, and Kim! (Brittany and Kim were both a little under 10 years younger then me. oh my god lol)

Heather and a sunburned me! Mmmmm. lol.

The Gambit: A denver punk band! whoo! they were awesome! i need to sit down and actually listen to them because a denver band that's actually good needs to be promoted lest we go down in history only as the birthplace of 3OH!3 (*stabs self*)

Smoking Popes: SO AWESOME. They were so fun and such a good time and great music. I can see why all three nights had matt going THE SMOKING POPES ARE THE REASON ALKALINE TRIO EXISTS. I need to sit and listen to them!
during their set, this happened:

Yes, Matt came out XD Already drinking, mind you. PBR in a can!

obviously this is not Matt's first one XD

I am not sure what was going on here, but he did lean back and do the guitar fingers thing at him so he wasnt just aiming for miming blowjobs!

Matt's setup wasn't working and he could barely hear himself singing so we sang most of his songs but it was SO AMAZING because he was so fucking thrilled because all of us were screaming his words at the top of our lungs! I have never seen him smile that much or that hard ever. It was amazing <3 The other two shows so far were amaaaazing too but this was literally the best show I've ever been too. It was just. *___*

And i got kicked in the face by a crowd surfer! They knocked my glasses off my face and i was sure my nose was gonna bleed but it didnt! And the security guy was like 'D: are you okay?' and i was like FUCK YEAH I JUST NEED MY GLASSES PLEASE :D! and i had like, three different bruises on my face to show for it. that was AWESOME. I felt tuff XD (we're touuuuugh)

SINGING MY FACE OFF <3 (lol i spent the whole time pulling the front of my shirt up. I had no idea that wearing a beater would mean i was going to be flashing my tits so bad lolol. lesson learned!)

obviously head bobbing XD

looooooool our faces XD

Matt took this when they first came out, hehe. you can juuust barely see me at the bottom there hehehe.

image Click to view

So for the Violent Femme's cover, the guys from Smoking Popes came out to jam with them and their roadie guy took video and it's full of drunk and happy matt skiba, the failiest attempt at stage diving/crowd surfing, and my face. XD


Then so after the show i peeled myself off the rail and stumbled outside to find alex while heather and erin bought merch. Alex was already waiting outside for me with my 7 inch ready to get signed and we both went as;dkjfoidjf SO GOOD at each other :D

Derek was the first one out! He is SO SWEET you guys. He remembered me and the first thing he did when he saw me was to say 'Hey! Long time no see! Gimme a hug!' and i hugged him and he gave me a good squeeze <3 and we chatted for a moment before I had him sign my 7 inch and asked him for a photo :D AND I SHOWED HIM MY TATTOO! and he loved it! He took a long moment to inspect it and said it was great! :D :D :D He liked the placement and the choice of lyrics. Ahhh <3

Lobster!me and Derek :D

Dan was wandering out looking kind of mad so we asked him what was going on and it seemed he lost his hat. We watched him go back and forth getting progressively more angry about it until finally he came out with it on and we all cheered, which made him laugh. He was still in a bit of a bad mood when he signed stuff, but he was still happy to see me and gave me a hug and i made sure to be extra polite and he seemed to like that. When I showed him my tattoo he was really impressed and said it's one of the best ones he's seen, he liked that it was simple and he loved the font <333 And loved that i showed it to them in person, not over twitter! hehe.

Matt was so drunk you guys XD. He came out shirtless at one point and was like heeeeey~ but when he went to get on the bus to get a shirt and stuff, he noticed there was a fight going on. So of course, being matt skiba and having a history of breaking up fights, he went over and broke it up. Then went and got a shirt then zoomed back inside.

It took awhile and the crowd dwindled, but matt finally came out and apologised immediately for taking so long. Had to fill out a police report! ahaha.

AHHHHH MATT SKIBA YOU GUYS. SO he spots me first out of everyone, his face lit up, and he was like HEY ITS YOU COME HERE and he hugged me a lot. We must have hugged like 8 different times during the exchange haha. I told him how i was so happy to see them and he hugged me again and then beamed down at me and said "I was all twisted up inside with all this violence and dark energy, but you've just fixed it, love. I feel so much better." *______<3 and then turned to the crowd, repeated 'She fixed me!' and then hugged me again!

He signed my 7 inch then I asked for a picture to which he replied "For you, baby, of course." *____; and so i sidled up to him for a photo and was expecting just to have his arm around my shoulder, but then all of a sudden I was being pulled up against him and he wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me closer and i just sort of clung to him and beamed like an idiot and he was still just babbling drunkenly about how great i am T________<3


So then I showed Matt my tattoo. Oh my god you guys, he took a moment to look it over, then wrapped his hand over my arm and squeezed it so I looked up and he went 'Oh, baby...' and HE WAS TEARING UP. MY TATTOO MADE MATT SKIBA ALMOST-CRY. YOU GUYS. *cries a little bit* and he just grabbed me and hugged me so tight and I told him it was the first song of theirs I ever heard 11 years ago. And we hugged again and since he's so much taller then me and I had sort of been forced to more or less tuck my face into his chest when it happened, WHEN HE KISSED ME HE HAD TO KISS MY NECK INSTEAD OF MY CHEEK.


And then we just stared at each other for a moment, both of us teary-eyed, and then he hugged me again, one last time, and i shrunk away out of the crowd so I wouldn't hog him anymore, haha. Apparently, according to Alex, everyone had just been staring at us in shock the entire time :x and one girl even asked her if we were friends. hahahaha

Best moment of my entire life. I still can't even believe it happened. It makes me cry, thinking about it. Alkaline Trio is my favourite band and they mean SO MUCH to me, so much I could never ever begin to explain, and to have an experience like that was so fucking incredible.

He ended up giving me and Heather free posters (the ones they couldnt sell because they were too beat up) so we got 35$ posters for free. It's amazing. Ahhhh.

my signatures <3

annnnd I was gonna work on the other reports tonight but I just can't. I am too emotional over writing this all out, haha. I am crying and snotting all over the place and my hands are shaking just thinking about all this *____; so later, i promise!

concert report, pictures, omg matt skiba, alkaline trio

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