jumping over time for you

Aug 14, 2010 22:17

jumping over time for you
660 words
Sungjong likes to pretend that he's secure about this entire thing - this relationship, this mess of blurred lines and too-fast heartbeats.
so this fandom is quicksand, i swear :( so nervous about the characterization omg ;_;
jumping over time for you

i just might know, i'm changing a little
i'm a bit late, for you i will wait patiently
- she's back (infinite)

Sungjong likes to pretend that he's secure about this entire thing - this relationship, this mess of blurred lines and too-fast heartbeats -, like there is no way Myungsoo could fall for anyone else except him ("I mean, don't you think I'm the most perfect for him? Seriously though, how can he find any better?" He tells Woohyun one day, and earns a smack on the head).

But the truth is, sometimes Sungjong catches Myungsoo staring off into space - which he always does, actually, but still - and wonders if he's thinking of someone else, and then his heart does this tight squeezing sensation and he feels like throwing up. And then Myungsoo always turns back to give him a small smile and just like that, Sungjong is fine again, grinning back as he tries to mask his relief.

Today they're having an interview session, and for the first time the subject about ideal types comes up. They've all practiced for this before, since they were trainees and dreaming about a future under the bright lights, but then again, that was before. As in, before Sungjong managed to fall madly in love with Myungsoo, and he's been so preoccupied with the way his heart tumbles in his chest whenever Myungsoo is around him that he's completely forgotten the existence of this question. 
The ringing in his ears is so loud he can't hear anything, but then it's Myungsoo's turn and Sungjong tries desperately to concentrate. Myungsoo opens his mouth, then hesitates and shifts to cast a look at Sungjong, who cannot do anything except stare back unblinkingly. His hands are clammy, and he is so nervous he thinks he might really really throw up this time.

"He likes So Nyuh Shi Dae," Sunggyu interjects, leaning forward to place a hand on Myungsoo's shoulder. Myungsoo shuts his mouth, leaning back with a shrug and awkward smile, and Sungjong feels his mouth go paper-dry. Sunggyu glances over at Sungjong, an apology in his eyes, and Sungjong just shakes his head a little. It's okay, he'd been mentally prepared - what else could he have expected, anyway?
Sungjong talks about how he likes someone with a nice smile and long fingers, who can be cool on the outside but warm on the inside (next to him, Sungyeol snorts and he hears Hoya breathe out a laugh) and then sinks back against his chair, relieved to have gotten it over and done with.

Then the interview is over and they trudge out after bowing and smiling and saying thank you for the hard work, and Sungjong feels his face flush when Myungsoo slips past Dongwoo to walk next to him, keeping in pace.

"Hey," Myungsoo says, and Sungjong glances up, heartbeat doubling. "Come here for a minute."
Dongwoo whistles as Sunggyu shakes his head with a half-smile and says don't be late we have to go soon, and then Myungsoo is reaching over to tug at Sungjong's wrist, and Sungjong stumbles along behind him until they reach an isolated corner, tucked between a tall potted plant and the wall. There is a beat of silence as they stare awkwardly at each other, then glance away at the same time.

"You know I didn't mean it," Myungsoo says abruptly, and Sungjong turns back to look at him. 
Sungjong cracks a smile. "Yeah," he says. "I know."

Myungsoo looks relieved, a trace of worry evaporating from his eyes. "Good," he says, then leans in to press his forehead against Sungjong's.

A bubble of laughter slips out of Sungjong's mouth. "What if someone sees," he says, but makes no effort to push Myungsoo away.

Myungsoo's eyes are sparkling as he smiles. "I don't care," he answers simply, and Sungjong doesn't know what else to do or say except tilt his head upwards and close the distance. Myungsoo's fingers are warm through the thin fabric of Sungjong's T-shirt, and Sungjong thinks that things can't get any more perfect than this.

writings, pairing: sungjong/myungsoo, genre: fluff, length: oneshot, fandom: infinite

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