Title: Cold Glass
kitsune_hikaruCategory: One-Shot
Pairing: SeoHan
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: If they’re mine, I would be too busy doing other things than writing fanfics
Summary: He never tried to touch her. And even when he did, he couldn’t.
He never tried to touch her... )
Title: When Your Heart Is Not Your Own
kitsune_hikaruCategory: One-Shot
Pairing: YongSeo
Rating: G
Genre: Friendship
Disclaimer: Owning people is not legal..
Summary: Seohyun loved her sisters too much. Too much that she could barely stand the hate Taeyeon had been getting lately. Yonghwa just happened to coincidentally see her in a bad shape, after a long time.
Warning: Un-betaed.
Yonghwa wasn’t the type to meddle into people’s affair... )