Jul 06, 2005 18:22
well notta lot has happened since i last updated....erm....4th of july was fun, lee and kenny came and got meh and we went up to jenni and koris house...hung out with jenni,kori,john,lee&kenny and basically watched them drink beer allnite lol...meh and lee crashed on the couch sometime in the mornin....so yeah we got up the next day (yesterday) and kenny took me and lee back to his house.....me and lee hung around watchin cartoons and doin our usual shit and then sunshine calls and says to come open the door...so the plan was to go to a bar (me,sunshine,lee&jessica) but yeah the alamo (where we were gonna go) was closed for some odd reason so yeah and we were gonna go to hang out with jenni&kori again but some bad stuff happened over there...i hope everything is okies:( but yeah so we jus stopped at a gasstation, got beeer and went to hang at walmart in gastonia.....we figured wed kill some time then go over to jenni&koris...but we ended up jus hangin at walmart...lee and sunshine went their way and me and jessica went ours...me and her got harrassed by this lil boy who followed us everywhere askin if we were together...it was fucked up shit..i was bout ready to stick a candle in his fucking ass lol....but all in all we had fun there...so we go back to lees and his dad is passed out...so i chilled outside with rodi then i hopped in through his window hehe....yep and me and him stayed up to like 4 or so and i went to sleep on him while watching cartoons....it was nice<3 i love bein with that kiddie ive gotta go back up there soon...monday is def. im pretty sure....well anywhos im jus lookin forward to this show this weekend...love to all<3