Nov 08, 2004 06:02
Funny thing happened today. Something quite pleasant actually. I watched a movie earlier tonight, a movie I had not seen since it was in Theaters some three or four years ago. I was very let down by the movie when I first saw it in theaters. In fact, I thought it was nothing more than mediocre at best. However, as I watched it tonight, I realized that it was, in fact, a good movie. I would even venture to say very good, but maybe that's going a bit too far too soon? Either way, I was pleasantly surprised at my new opinion of this movie, this is not the first time this has happened. Although this is uncommon, I wonder if it is evidence of a tendency of mine to judge things too quickly? Then again, maybe I am just reading too far into this. The movie, by the way, was Enemy at the Gates starring Jude Law. I think I did not like it as much the first time since I was not a big fan of Jude Law. Don't get me wrong, I still do not like him overly much, but I have apparently grown to tolerate him...which is odd since I have not seen him in a movie since I first watched this very film in theaters. Meh. Otherwise, it might just be that I have a better understanding of the story now and as a result, a better appreciation.
Enough of that. After Enemy at the Gates, I managed to marinate and watch 12 Monkeys (one of my favourite movies actually). So, I had a fairly good night, tarnished only by a heaping pile of shit known as Best of the Best. It is sad when a movie's saving grace is the acting of Chris Penn. Oh yeah, the other bad side of the night was that I managed to procrastinate away another full day. That's 24 hours less that I have to write that paper. Ah well.
And yes, I do realize it is 6AM. Considering Best of the Best ended at about 3 (I think), I find this rather odd. No, I do not have any clue whatsoever as to where the last three hours went. Yes, I would like to find out but there is no point really.
Not only am I a bag of shit, I noticed that I now smell like one as well. I look forward to my shower in the morning...later morning. Off to sleep now.