May 27, 2010 17:58
I had one of these a while ago and used it mostly for lurking, so I'm realizing now I'll need to reorient myself. And this time possibly post things, although whether any of this will be remotely interesting is another question altogether. Hopefully there will be some fanfiction - although I was never known for my impeccable ability to finish anything and everything (in other words, nine-tenths of my stories end in the middle of a sentence halfway down the first page after I metaphorically crumple it up and throw it in the trash - except I do admittedly save virtually everything, which is maybe a little masochistic and a detail you probably never needed to know), but I adore writing with every piece of my soul.
There will also undoubtedly be incoherent fandom squealing, of which I will try to produce logical opinions and probably end up with irrelevant, incomprehensible quoting and needless punctuation and probably mostly caps. (It just happens sometimes.)
Then there's the possibility I will never actually end up with any LJ friends and so there will never be a 'you,' except I am actually going to attempt to do things and comment and be alive here?
I'm Meridian, I'm eighteen, and I'm a dork. I'm also preparing to attend my first year of college. And, at the moment, Glee sort of owns my soul a little bit.
the joys of rl,
are you there friends? it's me meridian