Further Proof I have Succumbed to Torchwood

Mar 22, 2009 17:39

1. I have joined several Torchwood communities -- and enjoy them.
2. I am reading Torchwood fics (without being told I must!read).
3. I have made a Torchwood LJ.
4. I am watching the series in order. For the first time. After watching out of order twice.
5. I am going to Wales this summer.
6. I am excited about going to Wales this summer because we will be in Cardiff.
7. I have 2 Torchwood fics I want to write, despite being convinced I will mess them up horribly.
8. I have decided to learn Welsh.

It is perhaps the last one that convinced me that yes, I have indeed succumbed to the Power of Torchwood. Nick has been studying Welsh for awhile--and of course doing fabulously (and not surprised, due to the fact that Nick has an amazing knack for learning languages, and is completely bi-lingual, German and English).

I, on the other hand, was not fortunate enough to learn a second language growing up. A crime, I believe--but I did grow up in a time when kids were taught little about the outside world, other than the smatterings we learned in history (white man's history). As a lover of history, I am sick sick sick of what I was not taught, by both my education and by my parents (who raised all three of us, but especially apparently the youngest--me--to be way too ignorant of the world.).

I studied German for a little while, early on after meeting Nick, even had a private tutor. I liked her but...she was a lonely woman and became, well, clingy. I ended the lessons before I left for Germany the first time. I never got that far with the study of the language...though I'm often surprised how much I can pick out, here and there. Kind of a shame I stopped, but I guess the realization that I likely won't ever be in Germany unless with my #1 guide and interpreter, no worries, really. Still, it was fun, and good for the brain cells.

So now, there is Welsh! I was rather daunted by Nick's books that he is using. I knew I would fail utterly at studying Welsh that way, but I really enjoyed learning about the history of Wales, and am pretty stunned that I didn't KNOW these things. Yet another example of being raised all-too-ignorant of the world outside the United States.

Nick found several online courses though--the link to the one I am using is in my links section. We even played with that one a few weeks ago, and it seemed nicely done. For some bizarre reason, yesterday I decided to just play around with the different courses, and I found I really liked it alot. LOL if I had found the equivalent (for free!) of German, I might have done better than I did (used Pimsleur, got through about sixteen lessons and then...).

So here we go. I am giving Welsh a go. I know that I am unlikely to really learn how to wield the language as I suspect Nick will in time, but as he pointed out to me, it would be rather nice if I learned some basic words, sentences, etc. before we go.

Besides, studying languages is good for the brain. Makes it sharper. I could use a sharper brain!

I think I will have to make myself a schedule now. So many things I want to do all of a sudden! I am rather excited though.

Another list:

1. Study Welsh, learn basic greetings, numbers, ALPHABET (understand mutations??? lol), etc.
2. Get to know more people as myself, not just as N's g/f.
3. Watch TW in order, start to finish, before the 3rd series is out.
4. Finish the first draft of ballet boy for Loose-Id before we go to Wales.
5. Get basic outline in mind for Andy!mystery so that in Wales, can take sensible notes.
6. Write Rhys fic re: plot f-up. LOL. I really do want to do this.
7. Train for the ascent of Snowdon in July!!!!

And that is all for now.


andy, writing, goals, welsh, rhys

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