my person of the day is nOne other thenn : LiTTLe RoBeRt piZzO aka mY bOo <3 it's like i haven't seen you in a million yEaRs :o( wait didn't i see you monday? .. yea haha oh well that doesn't count ! once upon a time me & robert spent almost every waking second with each other.. AND NOW IT'S OVER !! haha just kiddin i L u ;o) .. SO .. i was lookin at my old entry's and i saw one of our old song lists that we do & we dont have anymore ever since i gave up bein a junkie slut ( now im just a sLuT ! ;o] ) and i want one nowww..
bUb & kRiSp sOnGs :
- gEt OuTt ! - jOjO
aka the song robert discovered justt like cassidyy lOl
- that ashlee simpson song even though i hate her cuz `ohhhh it's as if u no me better then i everr knoww myselffff & i love how u can tellll peicess peiCeS PEICES !!! of mee seems liek i can finally rest my head on sOmething reaaall & i like the wayy that fEeLss ohhhhhh' yOu knoww u knoww ..
- and the song u sang to me today that put me in such a `luscious' mood.. "iVe fALLeNn head oVer hEaLs im fALlEnnn in lOVe withh youu" <3muAhH
- and just because i said so: that 'out of this world' disney song from zEnOn cuz she's almost as cool as us !