camden is gay

Jul 21, 2006 03:15

well today was uh, alright I guess. today my parents got a big screen tv for free because the dude was too lazy to fix the shit. so all we gotta do is pay 200 to get this little circut board fixed and it's ours. I've been doing a lot of thinking again lately and I hate that shit but I guess thats what happens when I haven't gotten trashed in what feels like forever. since I've been back in town I've been bored out of my mind so I've decided I need to get out of here. I'm making my mom take me down to fernandina either tommorow or saturday. I've been feeling like total shit for about a week and I'm sick of it. maybe it's because this summer has practically gone to shit. at this rate when I have the option to move I don't know if I'm going to stay here anymore. most the people who were keeping me here are either gone or leaving soon. whats the point in staying when I got basically nothing to stay for? why not go and start new again seeing as how I always have to fucking start new. ever since 6th grade. shit gets old, but whatever. who knows, maybe my parents will get orders to washington or maybe even back to Hawaii. if they get either I'm probably going with them, seeing as how cassie is moving to washington and Hawaii because I miss that place. For camden being as small as it is there so much dumbshit that goes on. it's fucking ridiculous. I feel bad for anyone who has to live here there entire lives, I really do. Since I've been in camden all of like two years I've had to make new friends over and over again and had to go from group to group so much. I'm sick of that shit and I'm sick of almost everyone in camden. I'm sick of all the fucking fake people here.
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