Question about Anger...

Oct 20, 2006 09:02

This post was inspired by my own response to the last one on this community...basically, I had a question about how people on here handled the emotion of anger... and it's a two part question...

a) How often do you get angry--I mean really angry--and how intense is it? Are you quick to anger? Slow? Is anger like a long-fuse-big-bang type of thing or is it more proportional?

b)What kinds of things anger you?

As for my own answers...

a) I've noticed that it takes me a really long time to get angry--really angry--with people around me. I tend to have a lot of patience and know how to forgive things if there is sincere remorse for wrongs done to me... And I generally don't tend to get angry about much...

However, when I do get angry, it is really, really unpleasant. I'm definitely a long-fuse, big-bang type of guy and I know I get this from my father (another INTJ) who I've seen angry like twice in my life.. and it was purely terrifying...

b)Generally, there are two different kinds of things that get me angry.. 1) There are stupid things that piss me off--like bad driving--that drive me into short-term white-knuckled--yet controlled--fury... and I don't really consider this real anger... and 2) There are consistent patterns of behavior in people that are selfish and cruel that anger me to my core--yet take a while to build up...

anyway.. I'd be interested in people's thoughts.. and anything else that they'd like to add about anger here..


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