Functions once again...

Apr 18, 2005 22:38

Okay.. so I did some poking around these sites from night_princess

and I got a lot of interesting info... Here are a few thoughts on the



Sensation: world of facts, tangible appearances, and real time experiences.
This world requires: concrete reactions/performances.
Truth takes precedence over meaning, and derives objectively from facts and the readily apparent relationships between facts.

Intuition: world of meanings, constructed representations, and relatively timeless underlying relationships.
This world requires: reflective abstraction and interpretation
Meaning takes precedence over truth. Relative truths are derived subjectively from context and synthetic frameworks.

Sensation in specific:

Se-acts on sensory input immediately to generate automatic physical and mental responses. Acts like basic hardwiring in body to a great extent.

Si-uses internal “map” created from previously accumulated sensory data to filter and evaluate new sensory input. A recursively accumulated filtering/sorting mechanism-sort of like how channels gradually form in potted plant soil over time as water passes through it. These channels are not inherently permanent-nor were particular channels fore-ordained-but they are fairly stabile structures

Sensation Commonalities: meaning is static and immanent. Sensory data-not structures are the focus. (structures are either completely invisible-or act unconsciously) Decisions trump contemplation.

Sensation contrasts: By Se, the process of evaluation is not necessary-data generates reactions automatically (at a gut level) and relatively immediately. By Si, data must be evaluated, before action can be taken. Past data structures new data.

Intuition in specific:

Ni-uses internal framework to understand all possible interpretations/meanings of external sensory input. Meaning in life is to grok deeper essence of world by being able to seeing it from multiple perspectives/frameworks.

Ne-interprets external sensory input based on a model/simulation of the meta-system of the external world. Meaning in life is found in the process of broadening and shifting the contexts in which sensory data is recognized, thereby creating increasingly complex understandings of the external universe.
Intuition commonalities: Structures are important-as are meanings-mental constructs are utilized to understand sensory data... however-unlike Si, these mental constructs are both malleable-hopefully increasing in complexity and accuracy-yet also self-consciously constructed in a subjective fashion.

Intuition contrasts; By Ni, meaning is the end goal--while structures(interpretive frameworks) become the variables to be shifted. In other words, the mental structures are like various telescopes used to observe the object of essential meaning. By Ne, obtaining actual knowledge of the structure/system of the world is the end goal-while meanings are variable and change in this process. Thus, learning about the super-structure of the universe is like constructing your end goal, in which the shape of the super-structure represents the meaning-and when the shape changes through new constructing, so does the meaning.


Okay.. beyond this... there were a few more ideas... if you look at Se at the various different levels.. you get a relationship something like this:
Se dominant(esp): engage & create the stimuli
Se auxiliary (isp): Ride the flow of stimuli
Se tertiary(enj): exploit facts as tools over others
Se inferior(inj): stimuli in the shadow world

However.. when it gets to Si.. there weren't any details... So one question of mine is how would we describe Si at its different levels...

Si dominant (isj): ?
Si auxiliary (esj): ?
Si tertiary(enp): ?
Si inferior(inp): ?

Additionally.. What are some thoughts for doing this for Ni and Ne..

any and all thoughts appreciated... Sometime soon.. I'll try to do another analysis of the Judging functions T and F... (Ti seems especailly confusing to me.. but more on that later...

s vs n, website, 8 function

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