When you assign an INTJ a job or a project, we tend to take that task very seriously and will bust our asses not only to get it done and get it done right, but to get it done superbly and way ahead of schedule. We're also good with seeing systems/procedures at play and revising them using real logic behind it. Some folks notice this about us and therefore hand us those types of tasks. But what I've noticed is others don't take the fruits of our labors seriously even though that's what they SAID they wanted.
Ex). Your household is trying to save more money, the members of your household have said they want to do this repeatedly. They know you're good with such things and are conscientious being an INTJ, so they assign you the task of creating a new household budget and drawing up some suggestions as to how they can save money.
You set about the task diligently. You look over the household receipts and bills for the past six or so months. You take notes of various habits of the members that lead to waste. You try to take into account that no one is going to abide by an austerity plan for long and budget in treats and fun things too. You then spreadsheet your way to a workable household budget that would do a great job of saving money.
You present your results to your household and they either:
1)Bitch, piss and moan about the cuts and restrictions you've made even after you've explained why you made them and even though they agree they were necessary, and then flounce off your whole plan.
2) They examine your plan, approve it but basically go on living as they always had. If you dare bring up that they're not living up to their end, they'll say you're taking it all way too seriously.
Never ask an INTJ to do something if you don't want the person to take it seriously.
They may also try and work their FEELINGS into why they're not doing as they agreed. They FEEL deprived if they can't get the expensive kind of plastic wrap even though the cheaper stuff works just as well. What do feelings have to do with agreeing to save money?
I get that with my husband. It's hard to get him up in the mornings. He needs two alarm clocks. Ultimately, he needs ME to get him up. When he wants to keep pressing the snooze button, I'm constantly calculating how much time left he's got to get dressed, get something to eat and get out the house for the commute to work. As this time gets slimmer, I get more and more anxious (I have anxieties about time and lateness). This means I go from reminding him to get up to being more stern and telling him to get the fuck up. If I get bitchy he'll tell me I'm hurting his feelings. I'm wondering WTF FEELINGS have to do with the FACT that he has to be at work by X time, his commute takes Y amount of time and it takes him Z amount of time to get ready? Whether he FEELS great or shitty, he's gotta be at work when the clock starts. Suck them fee-fees up and getcha damn clothes on!
See, that's what I'm talking about. Folks have got to follow our lead when WE are the experts. Sometimes, hell, MANY times it ain't about your fee-fees. And don't buck us when you ASSIGNED us to help you out with something because you wanna take advantage of our skills and abilities. And don't get pissed when we actually do our frikken jobs. I do not belong in the modern office because it seems to be more about social/political machinations than actually producing any work product. And I suck at office politics something FIERCE. People always got pissed at me for doing the job I assumed they'd hired me for.
Anyone else just want to get the job done without folks fighting you? Anyone else want people to keep their fee-fees out of it and just do the damn job?
Oh, and one of the jobs that's recommended for INTJs is that of teacher. I sure hope they mean college and up because I don't see how INTJs can be teachers of children. When I taught, the adults had me fed up enoough. One month stint in a grade school classroom let me know that was NOT my niche. Talk about spending your whole time doing nothing but massaging egos and tending fee fees. It seems that no one under 18 can be bothered to do any classwork, homework or learn anything unless they feel superb about themselves and thoroughly entertained by the subject matter. If you actually demand that they concentrate, focus and work through the assignment regardless of their emotional state you're a horrible teacher and probably eats kitten soup for dinner.