Jul 12, 2009 13:48
One thing I've noticed in the wide world of the internet is that it seems that I'm much less likely to get my dander up over things than a lot of people. It does happen occasionally, but it's usually something really significant. I describe myself as having a low bullshit tolerance, but I'll only really flip my shit in the case of something like an attack on someone I love or something explicitly malicious. If someone's being an ass I'll tell them, but I don't usually get angry per se.
It could just be the usual INTJ apathy thing that's been mentioned a few times on here, but it just makes me wonder. I've had the experience of being around someone else who is riled up about something, but when they show or explain what it is to me more often than not my thought, if not action, can be summed as "So?" (I have learned not to say that out loud a lot of the time in case people get really mad at me for not seeing whatever's got them so worked up).
Note that I wasn't always like this, a history of childhood bullying made me pretty thick-skinned and unlikely to react to taunting after years of being pretty sensitive, but I'm wondering if it's a general INTJ trait. At least in this community it seems that we generally don't get too worked up over stuff and even if we do we dismiss it pretty quickly.
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