I am not sure if this is an INTJ thing, or just one of those "Gee, my brain is interesting" moments, but I thought I would share.
I have just finished the process of hanging my
bat'leth collection up on my apartment walls.
This necessitated that I move a picture that I had previously hung above my couch. As I was moving it to its new location above a large bookshelf, the small metal clippy thing that holds the glass to the thick back of the frame (which also provides a hole for the nail + hook in the wall), fell behind my 5 foot tall, 5 foot wide, heavy wooden bookshelf.
I then proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes fiddling around with various modifications to the frame, and then the hook, to attempt to still be able to hang the picture. None were successful, so I eventually sat the picture down and resolved to either buy a new clippy thing, or maybe a whole new frame.
I admitted defeat for almost a full minute before I came up with my brilliant, low-tech solution: move the bookshelf and retrieve the little clippy thing. A couple minutes later I had my clip back, and the picture was hanging gracefully on the wall.
Does anyone else have those moments where they launch into complicated problem-solving mode, and skip over the most obvious solution? It absolutely cracked me up that I was fiddling with wire, tape, hooks, etc. for quite some time before I realized rigging up a new device (or buying one) was completely unnecessary when I could just get the old one back. In my defense I came up with some pretty creative ideas for solutions (albeit failed ideas) before I figured out to just move the bookshelf.
If nothing else, it was definitely a humbling moment, which I think is good to have from time to time.