(no subject)

Jul 07, 2008 20:06

I am not sure if this is an INTJ issue, or maybe this is just a poorly disguised bitch-session about my coworkers...

One of the aspects of my personality that I have been struggling with lately is my difficulty in comprehending that people can think in ways that are entirely different than me. I am not talking about opinions or beliefs in such, but more of a way that they behave at work.

For example -- I have the ability to remember many things. Ongoing projects, details about an account, work-related conversations, new procedures, etc. But when I know I have a weakness in a certain area, I set up all sorts of back-up systems to help me stay on track and remember important information. Depending on what I need to keep track of, it can range from post-it notes (for my work phone number, as I have a habit of forgetting it in the middle of leaving voicemails), pop-up reminders on my Outlook calendar, to task-lists to keep my projects straight.
However I have a couple of coworkers who have weaknesses in certain areas, *admit* they have weaknesses in certain areas, but do nothing to address those weaknesses.
One coworker admits that she completely forgets about a project once it is completed. So if we work on that project again I have to give her a run-down of what she did last time to get her up to speed to move on to the next step. If I wasn't able to rattle off the details of what *she* does for a living, she would be lost because she doesn't keep any kind of record of what she does, or sometimes even how she does it.
Another coworker has limited computer skills. Every couple of weeks, she hits the num-lock button on her keyboard, and freaks out because she isn't able to type numbers. This has happened over. and over. and over again. Instead of making herself a discreet post-it note, or making a mental note of this issue, every time she calls me over in a panic to help her. I have been trying to walk her through it so the brain cells will connect better in the future "maybe did you accidentally bump something on your keyboard? Is it only numbers that you can't type?" but it doesn't seem to be helping. At least she is better than the old co-worker who had to ask me how to cut-and-paste three times a week.

I could list off another half-dozen examples easily, but then this would have definitely deteriorated into an all-out bitch-session, so I will refrain. Is it just that I have better problem-solving skills? Or maybe I am just cold and unsympathetic to those who don't excel at working independently? Except for the occasional burst of frustration once I am outside of work, I am very patient, calm and helpful to these people -- but is it OK that sometimes I fantasize -- only every once in a while -- about ripping their heads off? I work well with these people, but sometimes it completely baffles me that their brains work SO differently than mine. It just boggles my mind.


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