Feb 07, 2008 16:05
It seems like people like to say INTJs "always think they're right." I'm not so sure about that, myself. It's not as if I baselessly assume I'm right because I'm absolutely awesome or anything like that; it's just that, before taking any opinion on any subject, I research it as thoroughly as I can and only then decide what I think about it. I pick no stance based on emotions or based on convenience or anything like that. I tear apart issues from the inside out until I understand it as thoroughly as I can with the information I've been given. So... in arguments, I am confident of my stance because I have researched all sides of it specifically so I can be. It's not because I believe I am always right on principle. Far from that; I tend to have tremendous doubts about my ideas and intelligence (perhaps why I research things so much-- so that I can reassure myself that I'm not wrong).
So where does this idea of INTJs come from? All other INTJs I've met, myself included, have been very willing to quickly change their opinions and ideas if they could be proven wrong. Maybe it's because it's hard to prove an INTJ wrong, since they do their research? I don't know. Give me your opinions, tell me I'm an ass-hat, etc. If this is incomprehensible, I apologize; very tired.
being right,