Jan 29, 2005 21:37

Hows it going? I decided I break it down for yall again.
Just got bombed right now,
everyone had to hide somehwere safe.
Two people are dead, dont know who or where they work.
Sad but theyre in a war zone.
Im not suprised. OH WAIT...


Deadly attacks escalate in countdown to elections
Mortar round hits U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, kills two
Saturday, January 29, 2005 Posted: 1:18 PM EST (1818 GMT)

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- On the eve of Iraq's landmark elections,
a mortar round hit the U.S. Embassy inside Baghdad's fortified Green Zone,
killing a U.S. military member and a civilian, U.S. military officials said.


Hey Gilbert, your updates are too long,
and too caps lock emphasized.
Talk about light, not the dark.

Looks like Ill be home on time,
still no word on our replacements.
Hope we hear from them soon.

I got xanga premium. Thought I would
make it more of my own site.
I was tired of those ads. cough.

Nothing new to report...Vore for me on hot or not
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