20. Make a trash sculpture every month. In January of the following year, assemble all the trash sculptures into a giant trash sculture man, Power Rangers style.
it is about twelve feet tall, and as the sign explains, is constructed from recyclable materials that industrious SEAC-ers dug out of campus garbage cans over the course of one night. (well really it was over the course of a week, but we only did each place once, so it was like one night's worth of THROWN AWAY RECYCLABLES.)
it is about twelve feet tall, and as the sign explains, is constructed from recyclable materials that industrious SEAC-ers dug out of campus garbage cans over the course of one night. (well really it was over the course of a week, but we only did each place once, so it was like one night's worth of THROWN AWAY RECYCLABLES.)
seriously, we got an official citation from the city of williamsburg for having trash in the backyard which was purportedly visible from the street.
if you ever saw stray chicken wire tinkering about the backyard of the duck, this is what it was left over from.
Anyway, cheers to the big R. You bore the heat of a persecuting government for the sake of God's green Earth.
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