Big Sur Marathon training - Week #8

Mar 14, 2010 22:10

Hola amigos!

Weekly update again. Couldn't get to the to 16 mile run I had planned for yesterday and today due to other attractive commitments, well, slacked off and also ended up catching up with friends, so I guess that is a reasonable excuse for not running. Its funny how I feel that there's nothing interesting to post when things are smooth :) For the record, I did about 15 miles, including a 7 mile run today evening on total flat course. But, a running mate made a huge difference and it is always good to talk and run!

I thought I'll also post a few things, links and pointers to things I found out of the way during the week gone by. I might add my 2c to it, but let's see how it goes:

- Lost in the blur of slogans" by Ishmael Khaldi
The author is an israeli diplomat of palestinian origin and is the Consular General of Israeli embassy in San Francisco. Gives a unique perspective to the otherwise cliched opinions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Of late, I have been having a lot of respec' for these diplomats. They friggin' have so much power.

- Bengaluru's newspaper's editorial on Freedom of Expression
Really, DH, have you guys gone so bad? Hasn't the IT buzz rubbed off in the right way in anyway at all?

- Rajdeep Sardesai on Fair & Balanced journalism.
There's a point, but seems inconclusive ... seems like a message to someone. Oh well, is the dude so good to write a comprehensive piece is another question :)

big-sur-marathon, running

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