look at this photograph/every time i do it makes me laugh

Jun 01, 2009 00:08

196. TEN things you could never part with.

1. His bike.

2. A picture of him, Lucas and two of their other friends taken during senior year, a few months before the disastrous ski trip.

3. His cellphone.

4. A copy of Megan's letter of recommendation for his internship with the Miami-Dade crime lab.

5. That damn tacky Hawaiian shirt Lucas gave him as a gag gift.

6. His father's secret recipe for peanut brittle, even if it is damn-near impossible to make in Florida. His dad would probably kill him if he gave it up.

7. The journal he kept during his stint in the hospital.

8. His diploma from Columbia.

9. His badge.

10. His job.

keepsakes, tenspot, the ten spot

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