muse_shuffle February Disc 1, Track 03

Feb 27, 2009 11:03

03. Superman never made any money/For saving the world from Solomon Grundy
And sometimes I despair the world will never see/Another man like him
[‘Superman’s Song’ - Crash Test Dummies]

Speed sighed and barely restrained himself from showing his disgust as the jury foreman read off the "not guilty" verdict, prompting the defendant to grin broadly before turning to shake hands with his lawyer. He stood up and left the courtroom without sparing a second glance for the man - or for the family of the woman the defendant was alleged to have killed.

No case was ever easy, but it was the cases that ended up like this one that Tim hated especially. They always made him start second-guessing himself, wondering if there had been something, some piece of evidence that he'd missed that would have been the difference between an acquittal and a conviction.

As he walked out of the courthouse, Tim caught sight of a familiar thatch of red hair by a Hummer in the parking lot. Horatio looked up and caught Speed's eye. Speed knew without a word that they had another crime scene.

"Least they could have done is let me change first," Speed muttered as he climbed into the Hummer. He knew without looking that his kit was already back there. Beside him, as he climbed into the driver's seat and started the vehicle, H chuckled.

Muse: Tim Speedle
Fandom: CSI Miami
Word count: 202

muse shuffle

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