I wrote the following to close my book review on
Edgar Wickberg's "The Chinese in Philippine Life, 1850-1898":
"The problem of identity itself has remained largely unchanged. Today, we are witness to an ethnic community at the cusp of continuous change as a younger generation of Chinese Filipinos or Chinoys - no longer just one or the other - spearheads the community into the more decisively perilous, if they were to take the older generations’ word for it, waters and floodgates of assimilation."
Can you sense the bitterness? :P
Ahhh, the things I realize in the course of research. Of course, I write from a specific bias and interest. *sigh* So much for objectivity and value-neutral Sociology. *bitter laugh* (for once I recognize the relevance of Habermas' discourse on
"Knowledge and Human Interests").
Don't worry, it's a work in progress. I will write when I'm heated up, and I will write when I'm boring and neutral... that is, if I can get myself off my lazy arse.